
russian armor

U.S. Forces Unit Guide

23 Jun 2014, 11:22 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
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Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

You'll notice also that the M8 Greyhound is missing from this list, because it is now doctrinal. We're still working on adding the Commander Call-in units. I dunno if anybody is sure the exact commanders that will be in the game. I know we never knew during COH2 beta until actual launch.
23 Jun 2014, 11:33 AM
avatar of lethalpi

Posts: 120

Thanks for making this guide. Looking forward to read upcoming info.
2 Aug 2015, 13:10 PM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

:thumbsup:The extra tips in the guide is a great feature! :thumbsup:
3 Aug 2015, 09:12 AM
avatar of The Big Red 1

Posts: 758

noticed a few errors if i recall captain cost 60 FU to unlock and 120 FU for a major you might want to put that in their b4 some1 gets angry the rest of us...well lets just say we are lucky to kno
3 Aug 2015, 14:06 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

noticed a few errors if i recall captain cost 60 FU to unlock and 120 FU for a major you might want to put that in their b4 some1 gets angry the rest of us...well lets just say we are lucky to kno

I'm pretty sure it says captain 60 fuel, major 120. And it has said that since the patch.
What are you talking about?
3 Aug 2015, 17:52 PM
avatar of The Big Red 1

Posts: 758

I'm pretty sure it says captain 60 fuel, major 120. And it has said that since the patch.
What are you talking about?

well right now im looking at the "front" page of the USF unit guide and for those 2 offices I aforementioned it only shows MP costs and no FU costs. the costs i see are "after" you do the tech unlock
Ps. that was the edit i was trying to say
14 Oct 2015, 18:20 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Pershing added lol
14 Oct 2015, 18:31 PM
22 Oct 2015, 10:53 AM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

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14 pop cap for pershing ?
22 Oct 2015, 19:01 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

14 pop cap for pershing ?

its a bit of a placeholder because we still dont know if any of the pershing stats are 100% final yet
6 Feb 2016, 13:27 PM
avatar of ggfarming

Posts: 7

You should also put in unit abilities and explain them.
28 Apr 2016, 18:41 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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23 Jun 2016, 18:24 PM
avatar of CruciformSWORD
Donator 11

Posts: 1

I know that there's an ability guide separately, but it's probably worth mentioning the newly added AP rounds for machine guns because they went from being a somewhat soft counter to scout cars and half tracks to a theoretically slightly less-soft counter. And with Lieutenant tier having not only utility car mines and bazooka crew, this tier is now even better equipped to deal with light vehicles.

Also bumping the call for Calliope, Jeep, M5 Halftrack, Priest, and Greyhound if this guide is supposed to cover doctrinal units. If this is a non-doctrinal guide then it doesn't really make sense to have M26 Pershing in it.

Edit: Not to beat a dead horse but the same could be said Easy 8's. Thanks for the quick reaction on that.
23 Jun 2016, 23:56 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

I know that there's an ability guide separately, but it's probably worth mentioning the newly added AP rounds for machine guns because they went from being a somewhat soft counter to scout cars and half tracks to a theoretically slightly less-soft counter. And with Lieutenant tier having not only utility car mines and bazooka crew, this tier is now even better equipped to deal with light vehicles.

Also bumping the call for Calliope, Jeep, M5 Halftrack, Priest, and Greyhound if this guide is supposed to cover doctrinal units. If this is a non-doctrinal guide then it doesn't really make sense to have M26 Pershing in it.

I see. This IS supposed to be non doctrinal only, or well the original intent was for it to be.

I bent the rule when adding Pershing because it was so "long awaited" but as the list of new units increases.... You're right it necistates addition of the other doc units. But doing that makes the commander guide somewhat redundant.

just gonna remove Pershing from this outright.

I'll improve the descriptions as well! ASAP :)

Ty for the feedback!
26 Jun 2016, 11:36 AM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Need to update AA Halftrack cause they removed AA mode ages ago, it now automatically shoots down planes

Also should perhaps update Capt and .50 Cal
9 Apr 2017, 09:10 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Major: Is this guide up-to-date soldier ?
Riflemen: Sir, yes Sir !

(Guide moved to up-to-date status :))
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