WorldBuilder TotW#13: Abandoned Vehicles

Posts: 16
Here is the bunch of coding I am using:
function OnInitID()
--Population cap override value
g_popCapOverRide = 500
for i = 1, World_GetPlayerCount() do
local player = World_GetPlayerAt(i)
Player_SetPopCapOverride(player, g_popCapOverRide)
Cmd_CriticalHit(World_GetPlayerAt(1), EG_AMV, CRIT.VEHICLE_ABANDON, 0)
-- [[ Markers ]]
-- [[ Squad Groups ]]
-- [[ Entity Groups ]]
EG_AMV = EGroup_CreateIfNotFound("EG_AMV")
Thanks for the link to this updated tutorial.

Posts: 5
Thanks very much and your threads have helped me with my world building SO much!

Posts: 1
However, I'm still unable to understand the scripting of the .scar's at all.
I'm trying to use "howitzer_105mm_le_fh18_mp" on my current map project and I want it to be a purely visual addition to the map.
Infantry gets the mousecursor to capture the gun, but they aren't able to and I want to get rid of the cursor.
I've been trying my luck with creating an entity with all the howitzers in it and the "Entity_SetRecrewable" line set to false, but the timeflow just freezes as soon as the map loads ingame.
Should I use "EGroup_SetRecrewable" instead or am I just doing everything horribly wrong?
I really could use more tutoring with the scripting

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11

Posts: 8
getting them is one thing but it gives too big of an advantage if they are still working fine

Posts: 159
- Is it even possible?
- Where did you find the abandon vehicle critical? A data search in all coh2 scar files doesn't give me any results.

Posts: 28

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Posts: 7

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11
Is it possible to use this "abandoned equipments" I mean is possible IN GAME , captured this units... for example if I would add "cannon" Can I capcured in game this abandoned unit??
I'm pretty sure you can find out by just trying! I'm not entirely sure if it works with team weapons.

Posts: 7

Posts: 7

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11
Units are still non-capcuratible (non captured) a can't used this abadon units ( for example artilery)
I quickly checked my CheatCommands Mod II code and it would seem that I never implemented abandoning entities. Unfortunately I can't be more of help right now.

Posts: 7

Posts: 2
The other tutorial on this site doesn't work either...

Posts: 2

Posts: 2
so, mine looks like this
function OnInitID()
-- [[ Markers ]]
-- [[ Squad Groups ]]
-- [[ Entity Groups ]]
EG_KV2 = EGroup_CreateIfNotFound("EG_KV2")
function OnInit()
Cmd_CriticalHit(World_GetPlayerAt(1), EG_KV2, CRIT.VEHICLE_ABANDON, 0)
This was not mentioned in the tutorial.

Posts: 2