
russian armor

Advanced Barton Warfare Strategy

13 May 2014, 16:36 PM
avatar of Bulgakov

Posts: 987

I wasn't faulting Barton or his strat, I think he's right, it's stronk (and doesn't involve the T1 scout + flamer which has spoiled many games for me). I'm just saying it's a shame that the game favours a single-unit approach. Anyway, I'll keep those comments for the balance section.

DavidD - you're right that you could do pretty well with 4 rifles in CoH1 but I don't think it's as feasible to win from early to late-mid game in coh1 with just riflemen. MP drain, Fuel for upgrades, the MG42 more effective, German T3 hypereffective vs riflemen. What I mean is a riflespam strat was more counterable/punishable than constrat is in coh2. And about SC - yeah, you could spam but the punishability of spam in coh1 was what set it apart from the blob+click games.

Barton, any suggestions for an Ostheer counter to this strat?
13 May 2014, 20:27 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

Barton, any suggestions for an Ostheer counter to this strat?

I believe Osthher must go for heavy Tier one, like 4 grens and 1 MG or 3 grens 2 MG's, upgrade grens with G43 (if not then LMG) from T2 get Halftrack, PG and Pak and then wait for some heavy tank if not, then T3 for P4's and Stugs.

This soviet strat is good because it has everything what soviets needs to win, radio intercept is most important, then assault package for better close range (and overall, cons get vet faster) and then T34-85 to counter German heavier tanks. M5+cons spam can push enemy back which wouldn't be that easy without M5 cuz cons die fast
14 May 2014, 01:01 AM
avatar of Bulgakov

Posts: 987

I believe Osthher must go for heavy Tier one, like 4 grens and 1 MG or 3 grens 2 MG's, upgrade grens with G43 (if not then LMG) from T2 get Halftrack, PG and Pak and then wait for some heavy tank if not, then T3 for P4's and Stugs.

N1, thanks!
15 May 2014, 06:43 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
Admin Black Badge
Patrion 15

Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

Wow, Barton doing his Strategist badge proud. Who'da ever thunk it? I knew you had it in you BFF! :snfAmi: <444>3 :snfBarton: I hope you guys all tune into the SNF twitch channel for our webcum interview this Sunday.
17 May 2014, 16:48 PM
avatar of FeelMemoryAcceptance

Posts: 828 | Subs: 2

Pzgren are useless now, that's boring ...

Spam cons vs spam Gren. Great game daed game
20 May 2014, 11:32 AM
avatar of Kreatiir

Posts: 2819

Nice guide, will try it later.
Thanks Sib & Barton!
6 Aug 2014, 23:04 PM
avatar of Gluhoman

Posts: 380

And how play with this doctrine against OKW?
8 Sep 2014, 09:39 AM
avatar of Cyanara

Posts: 769 | Subs: 1

And how play with this doctrine against OKW?

A good question, and one that I've been trying to work out with mixed success.

Conscripts are still fairly good against small groups of OKW starting infantry, especially with molotovs and good use of cover/flanking. PPShs will definitely help against volksgrenadiers, and maybe even ubers if you can rush them. Maxims may be needed if OKW infantry is blobbing. The strafing run will also help against late game blobs.

A decent OKW player will usually try to catch Soviet infantry off-guard with a Luchs at about 9-10 minutes. Flak half-tracks are less common, since they're harder to use currently. Mines will usually go a long way on tight maps, but you probably need to get an AT gun or two up fairly quickly, as well as AT grenades. OKW also can't build tanks as often as Soviets, so t34 ramming may be particularly effective against panthers and jagdpanzers.

AT guns are quite good against OKW structures, and will help protect your t34/85s, which are less likely to get disabled by AT nades against OKW, although more likely to hit a mine.
20 Feb 2015, 15:16 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1162

This soviet strat is good because it has everything what soviets needs to win.

An interesting read (ive only just got Add Warfare through MWNL2).

I always thought that the best use of this doctrine would be to go tier 4, grab one SU85 and then supplement with 34/85s. If you can afford or it suits the game, get a katy.

This will be a slower start than T3 build. But you will end up with better AT and access to brilliant indirect fire from katy, something that is not normally achievable along side a medium tank in 1v1.

I feel that compared to guards motor, the lack of mark target and slight increase in 34/85 cost hurts this doctrines AT power, hence the SU85 attraction.

I suppose in your build you look to 34/76s ramming to add that AT edge. We all know thats a big coin toss however.

Also why use T3 with this doctrine, when by giving up con repair and ppsh to choose Armoured warfare you instead can call an IS2 to suplement 34/76s, while still keeping radio intercept, crew repair and skill planes. You lose a tiny amount of early pressure, but gain IS2.

Thats why I believe going T4 this doctrine truly brings something new to the table no other doctrine can

Edit: just realised that lend lease is another, possibly with less useful abilities though.
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