Hey Guys,
this thread isnt about a specific unit or strategy. Its more how we can deal with the sowjet "omg i cant play pls nerf everything because its too strong" bitches that spamming the forum with nerf thread as they spam the game with their tier2 shit.
Just as a small example what i mean: yesterday i found a topic in which several sovjet players are complaining about that it is so terrible unfair that radio intersept isnt for the whole team why the opel blitz is. So there is a clear conclusion of that: Nerf the opel blitz so it only count for the player that uses it.
The latest patches shows that they have a enourmus success with their "strategy" to cry me a river in several forums. Which is maybe a reason why the german tier4 is completly useless. (panther nerfed, panzerwerfer nerfed, brummbär even more useless because t34 became stronger)
Cause right atm the game is a fucking crap tone of shit. Best players like the guys from mtw stopped with coh2. My own clan is dying too because nobody wants to be completely frustrated (if we play german) or absolutely bored (when we play sovjets).
So i think its maybe time to counter that with our own "omg everything is too strong" topics.
1: ISU is a fucking JOKE!
2: Buff the Panzerwerfer to have a slight chance to punish bitches which only play an ass full of
at guns and maxims.
3. Give the Germns their AT-Tanks back! And no i dont mean the elefant. You (stupid drunking monkeys of relic which are responsible for the thing u called "balancing")
Thats it
PS: I was close to buy the expansion pack but thanks to the current state of the game relic took this decision from me

Thank u relic.