I'm kind of lost since there are two forums(as one person told me to come here because all the map makers talk here).
Does the developers of CoH2 World Builder read this forum or the other forum?
I made a couple of suggestions for a world builder update to make it easier and more simple to use instead of the default setting. Right now the default setting is making it a hard time for everyone as they always have to start from scratch as a desert looking for skins and textile.
Here is the list so far right now:
The World builder could have been much more simple yet, it has too many buttons and missing features to make multiplayer maps fun and unique.
You can also help suggest somethings and I'll add it to that wishlist of mines to make it easier to make maps. For suggestion #9 even red alert map making tool had environment placement, not that hard difficult atmosphere properties we have now and choosing your skin.