Balance Preview Update 09/08/2015
Partisan cost increased from 210 to 250 to bring the unit in line with its cost.
Partisan guns changed from MP44 to MP40s (PPSH for placeholder) they will deal slightly less damage but still be good at dealing with weapon teams
Partisans now have camouflage to gain extra utility after their initial deployment
Added Sniper bonus accuracy to the M20 Utility Car
M20 Utility car detection radius increased from 10 to 25 to help detect camouflage units
UC Detection radius increased from 10 to 25 help detect camouflage units
222 Scout car detection radius increased from 10 to 25 help detect camouflage units
WC51 detection radius increased from 10 to 25 help detect camouflage units
M3 Scout car detection radius increased from 10 to 25 help detect camouflage units
T34 Population increased from 8 to 10 to prevent overwhelming numbers of the tank
Wasp damage reduced from 8 to 4 it was doing too much damage initially
Wasp range reduced from 35 to 32.5 was able to kite units too easily
Churchill Flamethrower range reduced from 38 to 34 was able to attack at to safe of a distance
British Command Tank buffs change to the following because initial modifiers were currently over performing.
- Accuracy weapon modifer reduced from 2 to 1.35
- Recieve accuracy modifers increased from 0.5 to 0.7
- Reload Weapon Modifer increased from 0.5 to 0.7
- Cooldown Weawpon Modifer increased from 0.5 to 0.7
Fixed an issue of flame barrage landing on OKW battle group headquarters
Increase range of KT from 40 to 45 to improve its usability into the late game as it can be kited quite easily by tank destroyers
Reduce flame bonus damage to buildings from 1.5 to 1.25 because they killed buildings too quickly especially the dot damage
Reduce flame bonus damage against commonwealth emplacements from 1.5 to 1.25 because they killed buildings too quickly especially the dot damage
Molotov initial damage reduced from 20 to 10 because they were initially killing many entities on the first explosion
Panzerwerfer Damage profile changed from 1/0.35/0.05 to 1/0.75/0.5 which will round out the damage a lot better yielding more consistent results
Comet health reduced from 800 to 720, Scatter increased from 3.2 to 4.2 to bring this unit in line with its other counterparts
Hammer and Anvil upgrades increased from from 200/25 to 250/50 to make players have to decide and invest into specialization, previously it was too easy to rush into one of them and skip all the other tech)
Hammer and Anvil research time increased from 5 to 30 seconds
British Sniper weapon behavior change from wants prone firing to none to improve usability will allow it to shoot / aim quicker
Gammon Bomb damage reduced from 240 to 200 was dealing too much damage
Reduce jadgtiger cost from 800/290 to 720/245 bringing the cost inline with its performance
Glider HQ can now build britsh medics