Having dealt with public QA before, I would really like to suggest to Relic that perhaps you could consider setting up a public issue tracking interface which would allow users to submit bug reports and balance issues-- and then others would be able to comment, add information, and vote on the severity and priority of the bug or imbalance.
Personally, I've utilized both
Mantis Bug Tracker in the past, as well as the
Atlassian JIRA Issue Tracker. Issue trackers can be inexpensive (or free in the case of Mantis or something like
Apache Bloodhound) and are not resource or infrastructure intensive to set up and run.
For all I know you may run one of these software packages internally, but from my experience both with the Alpha Stress Test and WFA alpha, most feedback is delivered either via forums or from personal contact.
Having a public issue tracker would not only allow members who wish to opt-in to provide input in an easily managed and aggregated way, but would allow the developers an easier way to interact with the public: It's a simple matter for marking whether a bug or balance issue is currently being looked into, worked on, solved, and whether they will be available in the next live branch. It would also importantly allow for developers to give this information in a centralized and appropriate location.
Sorry if I'm assuming too much here, I don't want to come off patronizing, but I would just hope that it's something that could be considered.