^Thanks for the suggestions guys... It seems silly to me to rely on doctrine only AT, as for Germans, the Tiger at 720 MP and 200 fuel seems like quite a lot. I don't remember how much the elefant costs, but that is only in one doctrine.
On Minsk Pocket I successfully fought of a T34/85 horde with two paks...they even were great counters to the snipers he sent out for some reason. I find mines expensive and prefer infantry upgrades but they do help in certain situations...
At the higher levels of play, I see the triple sniper/guard opening more often than not. It's hard to deal with early game  |
@Aurgelwulf: I think it's okay because the soviet player has to choose a doctrine to get access to the guard infantry. That means heavy anti infantry stuff like KV - 8 won't appear and you can play out your infantry heavy G43 strat .
The only commander with Guards that has access to a vehicle that obliterates (literally) infantry squads is the Mechanized Support Commander which has an ISU-152. It is an assault gun, not necessarily a tank destroyer.
I lost a game because of one of those... squad wiped 3 of my inf. squads in its first 5 minutes.
Remember guys, check out the Commander tool on this website...somewhere. I have it on my iPod all the time now. It's really great. I get to look at my opponents bulletin choices and their commander choices and it can really make a difference. |
I played a 1v1 game yesterday on Langreskaya winter, and my soviet opponent managed to get an ISU-152 on the field when I only had a P4. I had to say, I was winning, but I never knew it. When the ISU-152 came out, after looking at the replay, my opponent only had two vet 3 guards (although he was floating ~2000 MP due to a sniper + SC start).
Overall, I had more fuel income than he did, however, the manpower drain I suffered as a result of the snipers (men retreating through deep snow...) cost me the game. When the ISU-152 hit the field, it's first shot killed a full health AG squad... the second shot killed a full health Grenadiers squad, and soon after another AG was killed. It was extremely infuriating. I almost killed the ISu-152 with a P4; I got behind it while a friendly gren squad engaged the AT gun. With only one man left on the AT gun it fired (I think that was a bug; when weapon teams have one man, they run away, right?) and killed my P4... then he got another ISU-152. Against two, the best strategy is to surrender. Perhaps heavy vehicles (Elefant, Tiger, ISU-152, IS-2, and maybe KV-1/8 should be limited to one at a time in 1v1 games?
I think that was the reason I lost the game... I had plenty of fuel for three panthers, but not the manpower. I didn't realize how few squads he had left and how little resources he had (besides manpower). In 1v1 I find my teching to be slow. Although the new patch helps my infantry out, getting armored vehicles to me seems an unnecessary MP cost because I am generally winning my engagements with infantry, so why get vehicles? Is there something I need to do to get them faster, or is it simply actually realizing that I can get vehicles and that I should get them? |
To all the people I told on Steam that the idea of Western Front factions is simply absurd... I am appalled. The original direction of CoH 2, as marketed, was to 'tell the story' of the Eastern Front. They could keep telling that story with Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, and/or Bulgarian factions, as well as creating a second Soviet faction (as the foil to the PE of CoH 1). IF I was Russian or a citizen/resident of the former USSR, I would be offended. As an American, I am simply appalled at their choice for these new factions.
The balance issues, the "which vehicles are they using" issues, and whatnot, but simply... this. Why western front? WHY? |
I played 3 or 4 games with the new patch yesterday; lots of Soviets whining how the patch favors the Germans?
Is it just my PE-influenced infantry micro that dictates non-blobbing and putting men behind all sorts of cover to create kill zones (think the right side of Langreskaya by the muni point)?
The spread of DPS at 35m has increased (there is a higher range of DPS among all the weapons types), so, in theory, it should benefit both factions. |
March Deployment 1v1 Combined Arms v. Mechanized Assault Semoskiy Winter VPs 258-0
The longest and closest game I've played so far with March Deployment update. My previous games were ~20 minutes. Soviets used a heavy Maxim build to hold territory; effective against German infantry which now seem to be more effective than the Soviet infantry (unless I just have great micro). In the end it came down to a desperate tank battle against two KV-1s and... lots of spilled German blood.
Perhaps this will help Soviet players struggling with the new patch, although the Soviets did lose. |
I can tell you as a user of this strategy that the best counter is actually grenadiers.
Grenadiers have the rifle grenade to begin with, the hard counter to snipers. Secondly their long range firepower causes significant damage to snipers out of cover and also are the chepest unit to reinforce that aren't engies.
Assuming the Soviet player is relying almost entirely on snipers for AI then simply blob a few grens together and walk forwar: when the snipers are forced out of their cover to fall back the grens will fire at the sniper which will likely heavily damage of kill an entity, forcing the retreat/getting the kill.
The light vehicle rush is expected, get 1 FHT maybe and don't fall for the trap of spending all your fuel trying to counter their snipers mid game with light vehicles. Use the HT to reinforce your grens as they move forward, this is more effective than trying to rush the FHT in which will more than likely result in a dead FHT.
Thank you so very much 
Maybe now I will refrain from destroying my desktop  Still waiting for that update scheduled for today... when will it come? We shall see. |
I'm not going to lie... some of the ideas proposed are improbable and insane. Someone posted about vCoH spanning D-Day to Berlin... that is more or less false. The OF campaign is Normandy and Operation Market Garden, only as late as September 1944. The map Hochwald Gap pushes the date into February 1945... Not May.
The inclusion of Japan would be... interesting. The Soviets fought them for a week or so and absolutely destroyed them. The Japanese lacked even medium tanks in any vast quantity, so the Japanese faction would be hilariously OP compared to history. Also their standard HMG was not belt fed; it had 20 round stripper clips like in the Mauser 98k fed into the machine gun. Anyway. There are some very viable Axis factions, including Finland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, etc. that really could be included in the game. IF those factions are released, an update could change many ToW missions to include those units (like in the Falaise Gap mission in vCoH).
In terms of "major updates" or whatever, a complete overhaul that I would enjoy would be a time period selector, either by year or general category (1941, 1943, 1945 or Early, Middle, Late). However, there is the issue of DLC already released and how that would apply. This inclusion would expand the quantity of weapons and vehicles to be used. I think it was a horrible idea to not include a Panzer III. They were very popular in June 1941, but vastly inferior to the T34 (as was the Panzer IV).
Imagine, the T34/76, the game-changer T4 Soviet tank in a 1941 mode that is the fastest and most impenetrable tank on the battlefield, bested only by swarms of Panzer IIIs. |
This thread got off topic and has been uncommented on for three months... but. Still a current topic. A 1v1 build order I use is Gren Gren MG MG Gren T2. Two MG42s is a pain to deal with. I use them in tandem, either suppressing one area with both arcs of fire, or leaving one behind the other to cover it in case it gets rushed by conscript and molotov.
There are certain weaknesses, however:
1) MG42 in a building is a nightmare. On maps like Semoskiy, even Kholodny Ferma, or Road to...something map, putting an MG42 in a building is suicide because (to my knowledge) you cannot select targets to fire at when inside the building; the cursor changes not to the normal crosshair, but to some crosshair and a strange symbol. Upon right clicking, the MG42 proceeds to exit the building. When rushed with a conscript and molotov, the MG42 can take the order to exit, but often sets up outside the front of the building and dies (the bug still hasn't been fixed, or am I not microing it properly?).
In certain maps (like Langreskaya) NOT having a squad in a building can be advantageous to the soviets, who can go building hopping to gain ground and flank MGs. It really is a lose-lose situation
2) A double sniper opening is the death of this strat. 3 Grenadier squads against two snipers does not win. Assuming there is a conscript squad (or more) and later at least one shock or guard squad, three grens may not get far. When two men die instantly, the squad is in danger of being wiped out both from the snipers' second volley and the supporting squads. Same goes for the MG42 squads; two men down in seconds forces their retreat. Having all or most of your men retreat means lost ground, lost resources, and an early or crushing loss.
3) Poor micro ruins this. If my MGs are out of position, they are easily flanked and dispatched. The long setup time provides little room for error which leads to casualties and/or lost ground.
The advantages of the strategy include...
1) Potential for control of large amounts of territory. The MG42s can cover large areas of territory and/or cutoffs when put together (middle of Langreskaya, Minsk Pocket, Kholodny Ferma).
2) Mutual Support. The MG42s can fend off one or two squads (or more if your enemy likes blobs), however, they work best when supported by at least two Gren squads (and even a sniper to add insult to injury). When in the best situation, the MG42s can cover the front or the bulk of the enemy forces while the grenadiers can cover the flanks and lob grenades into the suppressed Russian soldiers.
The MG42s, if deployed parallel to each other, can cover the outside flank of the other MG if close enough. For example, if a conscript comes out from behind a hedge and your right side MG42 is going to get molotoved, just turn your other MG to face your MG. Bullets don't count as friendly fire (i don't think) so no danger of killing your buddies.
3) AP Incendiary rounds. The AP incendiary rounds, when used correctly, can wreak havoc against enemy light and medium vehicles. A poorly microed, non-rushing scout car is toast, so is the half track. A scout car or HT with a damaged engine is equally as vulnerable. In certain situations, an MG42's ammo can be used against T3 armor. The rear of the T34 takes a lot of damage, as well as the T70. I think (THINK) that the AP rounds can pierce the front of the T70 and T34, however, a damaged engine on an armored vehicle trying to flank your position is even better toast when you can fire on the rear armor.
That being said, the SU76 and Katyusha, I'm sure, are vulnerable to the AP rounds as well; maybe even the back of the SU85. Any heavy armor is simply a quick retreat button.
Two MG42s are both robust and effective, but risky when countered effectively. One MG42 can be good with different build orders, but I prefer two in most situations. |
I primarily play 1v1 games and consider myself a reasonably skilled player (rank ~1150 as German) but have encountered roadblocks against a double sniper (with guards to counter T2 vehicles) opening and a triple maxim + mortar opening.
T1 as Germans offers few effective counters to two soviet snipers. Mortars quickly need to move, as frontline grenadiers quickly become ineffective in combat. MGs are a risk; with four men, they are just like grenadiers, but must retreat for fear of the MG42 falling into the enemy's hands.
In T1, a sniper is really the best option. Firing literally one shot at a time and moving to a different location and shooting in response to the Soviet snipers is the only way. The tip said about vetting the sniper and using the incendiary round is a good idea!
A sniper in a scout car is B.S. It should have accuracy penalties even when stationary (assuming that the soldier must stand, rather than crouch or prone to shoot).
I put a German sniper in a 250 HT and got flanked by some shock troops.
Unfortunately, there is no "cower inside the vehicle" button, so he took a few too many PPsH rounds in the face...
As it is right now, the best thing one can do when there are 2+ snipers on the field is to play a non-aggressive game and push at multiple locations simultaneously and pressure cutoffs.
Wait for your enemy to mess up or T34 rush your base. If you just wasted your fuel on a scout car and an HT that gets destroyed by guards and an AT gun and you see 3 T34s coming for you, pray that the one teller mine you layed (instead of getting a med bunker or LMG42s) and the one pak gun and the 25 muni you have for a panzerfaust can hold back the T34 horde.
Snipers must be why Germany lost the war... |