General Information
Register Time: 20 Jan 2014, 06:00 AM
Last Visit Time: Yesterday, 20:54 PM
Steam: 76561198035726839
Residence: Canada
Nationality: United States
Timezone: America/Toronto
Game Name: GBPirate
It's possible in customs, but if they implemented it in Automatch they'd be balancing fifteen matchups instead of six.
Fifteen? I'm doing the math but I don't think it's that many (in 1v1s)
1) Ost vs OKW
2) Ost vs USF
3) Ost vs UKF
4) Ost vs SOV
5) OKW vs USF
6) OKW vs UKF
7) OKW vs SOV
8) USF vs UKF
9) USF vs SOV
10) UKF vs SOV
But also lmao I'd assume a .50 cal round has more damage than whatever the MG42 used (the same standard rifle round as the 98k?). But, again, this is a game so you never know how things actually work without looking at the stats.