I thought ignorance was also forbiden on this comunity ?
Totenkopk is part of German history from is cavalry Hussards and than Heer Panzer Divisions .Nothing to do with political shits.
Learn history .
And even if it was SS,so what they were the best elite force of WW 2,just deal with it once and for all ,if you can promote socialism-comunism,capitalism that have killed 100 times more people ,have been more racist than nacionalism-socialism, its equally allowed. Or do you denied the racism with black people and indians of USA commited ? The massacres with the natives ,the invasions on Vietnam ? Atomic Bombs ? What about hte Gulags from Soviet army ? What about the massacres that are actually hapening in Ukrain ? Tetchenia ? The 3,000,000 gemanic-ukranian-slavic civilians that Red Army killed betwen 1920 and 1930´s ? Russia had almost 150 concentration camps while Germany had ? 20 ? In USA till 40 years ago a black man could not walk on the same walk of a white guy ?
GB ... and Greece i could give examples from your nations do you want to ?
Learn history.
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