Looking at the ratio of win-lose of the top 150 players in coh2chart.com, it seems to be that the current game is imbalanced in the 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 games. The wining rate of the OKW is much higher than other Allies fictions. The crucial tactics of the USF and Soviet of flanking is not really working in the 33 and 44 games. If you fail the first attempt, then, when you come back you probably will find one more mgs and bunkers there, blocking the way for ‘stealing’ points (and resources). The maps are not big enough for allowing more flanking routes.
Use smoke to cover? Yes, but the problem is then you don’t have enough ammo to upgrade your infantry with bars and LGMs and don’t forget in order to destroy bunkers effectively you need at least two bazooka. Use M1 75mm? Yes, but it takes, at least, two (maybe three) rounds of bombardment to kill a mg crew given that they are so noobish that don’t even move. Controlling more resources means quick tanks or just blobbing more fully upgraded infantries.
The design of the Allies forces should be that they are potent in the early and middle game, which probably is not true now in a 33 or 44 game due to the fact there is no way for you to do flanking , stealing points and cutting resources.