Hi, I'm making this map at the moment. It's a forest map with a relatively large hill in the middle, with a fuel and VP on it. I'm in early production, I've only height-mapped and put out LOS-blockers so far. It's at 416x416 playable.
screenshots show sector layout and cutoffs.
I'm quite new to mapping, so I have a few questions.
What effect would this hill have on gameplay?
Are the cutoffs relevant? Will they do their job or be redundant?
Is the "spider's web" of sectors too much? Will it make gameplay an annoying clusterfuck?
Should the semi-cutoffs (the big ones close to base) be absolute cutoffs?
My thoughts around it were that the "web" would make the game fast paced and constant capping absolutely necessary.
EDIT: Stuffed up and posted in wrong forum. If a mod could move/remove that'd be great. Cheers.