The truth is that 'truth' is always lost through pink perspective glasses over the eyes of the beholder.
'Allies at the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials never criminalised aerial bombardment of non-military targets and Axis leaders who ordered a similar type of practice were not prosecuted'
As many historians will tell you, the only reason is: because Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Eisenhower, and entire Allies high command would have to hang themselves together with Nazis, for deliberately ordering close to a million civilians to be deliberately killed/burned alive and countless more homeless and injured.
As you said, the truth is Soviets were not better than the Nazis. It only means you have to look from slightly different perspective.
That being said, Relic chose to focus on Cold war propaganda-ish story line, instead of plenty of heroic stories they could have.
Like in VCOH, they could have easily focused the story on order to burn alive 100,000 people in Dressden and Hamburg and allies numerous desertions trials and sentences, killing close to 100,000 French civilians in air raids, etc.
Evil face of Churchill and order to target civilians, and there you go. You have yourself British Stalin and not so noble and heroic Allied WW2 campaign
What a load of fking drivel
Always something wrong with this argument about the allies bombing Germany as a war crime.
1)Germany bombed Britain also using fire bombs , then later on using v1& v2 which were actually called terror weapons.
2)By late 1942 definitely by 1943 most german generals believed the war to be lost, so if they had surrendered no bombing of Germany in late war no troops landing in Europe , a lot of german cities not destroyed, a lot less casualties of the german population.
3)Hitler decided to continue with the war but why didn't one of those spineless army officers who are always talking about honour put a bullet in his head, but here's the catch most german generals blame hitler for losing the war and that they could do better if in command so the cycle would continue probably even more death and destruction and if the war had dragged on longer then 1945 therisk of atomics being used.
4)You reap what you so