Lunch break is over, but at a quick glance it looks good, compared to the tutorial. Janne may be able to elaborate. If no word is mentioned by the time I get home from work, Ill take a look.
Make one of Hitlers dams that was bombed, with a small waterfall going over the damage, with the aftermath of a flood similar to the effects of a failed damn on a village...ect.
I'm at work, so I can't do any testing, but most scar error's are syntax. A mis placed coma, bracket...ect. Maybe add a code insert in this thread with the exact script.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you trying to make it in paragraph form? It should auto format for the space available, and push the lines down automatically. If this is not your question, please clarify.
I want to say the custom resource code was changed after WFA. If you haven't updated the code since the release, you should revisit the tutorial and re do it.
I'm not sure if it is the cause or not. A good place to start on identifying the cause, is to remove each section one at a time, save, export, test. Try it with just the pop cap, then try it with just the Resource mod. It should point you in the right direction.
This is a good thread, as it encourages good idea's.
Milke Man, if you need help getting started making maps, this forum is a great resource to get you in the right direction. Feel free to ask any questions (make new threads). Also check out the links in my signature, if you haven't seen them already. WorldBuilder is a very user friendly editor, and a great start for entry level mappers. You can also hit me up on steam, for more direct questions.
2 players
Forest, 4 small buildings max.
Foggy Morning
Standard resource count, 10 terr, 2 fuel, 2 ammo, 3 VP; VP's shouldn't have big impact when in anh. Lots of medium cover for infantry, destructible. Plenty of maneuver room for vehicles (check impass, such as Bacon's latest video shows). No impassable water, but shallows maybe. Map contest quality, specifically balance and detail.
is there anyways to make like a tunnel system where you can send units below it?
i am thinking about a wide trench system where there are planks in between to allow tanks to go over but also do not prohibits infantries from go below it.
and how do i load my custom atmosphere setting?
For some reason, the tunnel post didnt make it on the tutorials list.
As for custom atmosphere's, I don't think you can save, and then load the settings. There use to be a way, where if you held down SHIFT while hitting the load button in the atmosphere properties, it would go to a file directory. It was quickly disabled for some reason, and you are restricted to loading presets at the moment.
Are the war spoils not available against AI? I just got through playing 20-30 games in a row against AI, in custom match's, then Automatch vs AI, and haven't gotten a single crate. Not even a bulletin.