Paul doesn't make such an great effort regarding hiding his smurfing. This "Lelic Judge Dredd 008" was formerly known as "Char Aznable" and before that as "Heavy Stuart Combined Arms".
Here the replay where Paul made another COH2.ORG smurf account called "justic007" (already permanently banned) and where "Char Aznable" appears in the replay:
And in this replay we have "Heavy Stuart Combined Arms" (being called so due to the bug regarding "Combined Arms" ability from Heavy Cavalry Company which Paul has abused on his 2nd Steam smurf account):
Paul has even tried to huggermugger that all those names do belong to one and the same smurf aka Paul by renaming it so often that his original name disappeared but fortunately we have this awesome feature at COH2.ORG that allows us to click on the players in replays. If we now click at both "Char Aznable" and "Heavy Stuart Combined Arms" we will be directed to "Lelic Judge Dredd 008".
"Heavy Stuart Combined Arms" has also sniped Momo4sho123's USF when he streamed. Momo has used "Combined Arms" ability bug afterwards being accused by Paul who posted the replay of him playing as his 2nd smurf account.
(You can do an IP check to confirm my proof in case of doubts.)
Quod erat demonstrandum.
P.S.: Paul's 1st Steam smurf was formerly known as "HOI KimJongUn", "HelpingDonalaldTrump", "HelpingBrits", etc and is now called "Procter of LELIC 007".
Too obvious. My guess is somebody pretending to be Paul.
Is PAULA I concurs.