From what I understand that is the actions of the developer of the shining games having a fit on youtube. Definitely not something that Sega of America endorses.
Honestly, I think Relic going to Sega would be the best case scenario. Sega has proven that they respect the PC market, and would put Relic and its IPs to good use. This would probably be the least dramatic change to Relics operations as well, as Sega runs its developers in much the same way THQ did.
Sega also has the warhammer fantasy license, so if Relic goes to Sega there is a high probability that they would get to keep the 40k license and continue making DoW.
The players that are going to be playing these asymmetrical maps are not going to be interested in playing mirrors or using the symmetrical maps. They should have an automatch they can use to find like minded players as well.
Relic is planning on creating two styles of maps right? Competitive maps that are more symmetrical and balanced, and Battlefield maps that are asymmetrical like the classic coh maps.
Just create two ranked ladders, one will be authentic axis vs allies battles that are strictly on asymmetrical battlefield maps, while the other ladder will be for competitive players to play with teams free on the competitive maps in 1v1.