I never take stock in leaderboard rankings. They rarely have any true value on someone's skill level since to end up on the highest listings you need to make almost zero mistakes and understand the capabilities of units and be able to function with the precision of a machine.
Besides, a single defeat can throw your rank back by hundreds.
I don't either, that is not why I brought it up. I did it to tell you that I am no top tier player, but even for me evading all grenades but rifle grenades is really easy. Before units were super responsive, the 1.5 second fuse was usually not enough to evade pretty much all incoming damage. Now it is.
Since the fuse time does not apply to rifle grenades evading them did not get easier.
About the cover clumping: This makes all grenades more efficient, but it doesn't matter since anything but rifle grenades is now easily avoided.
I feel that the last big patch really screwed up grenade balance (even inside the axis faction. why would you ever wanna throw another type of grenade?).