E - There are some units, commanders and strategies you can use in team games that you cannot in small ones. 1v1 and you go Urban Defence it had better be a game winning move, 4v4 one person can do that without necessarily gimping their chances of victory
Or shall we say, let the team carry me because i want to try #YOLO commanders i hope my teammates don't follow my same steps
C: BUT you will leave that portion of the map to go to another part of the map. I'm sure you are not multitasking and spreading your troops all along the map. You focus mostly on 1/4-1/2 of the map. You are not going to cross early/mid game with your infantry through the map cause the retreat path is going to be PAINFUL!
F: increasing the level of chaos magnifies the chances of imbalance, since you can't predict neither have a control of the outcomes. If you take into account the flimsy USF tanks vs more resilient axis tanks, we see why people have problems. Margin of error is low.
THIS IS WHAT people have to realize, balancing CHAOS is not simple.
4v4 means exponentially a huge number of combinations of units and commanders which use on the right way on the especific maps, leads to "broken" outcomes.
Caches: it could benefit 100% to the one who build it and proportional to your parnters (50% on 2v2, 33% on 3v3, 25% on 4v4)