And how are those highskill players low ranked, unless they just concede everysingle game?
People might be confused that even if a player is top100, he will be matched against a 5000rank guy, given some time to the MM. I think the system should had some kind of barrier to avoid such disparity. |
There is only one little thing you miss here: Players that can't spend all day playing COH series but they are still decent at.
If you are decent, then you should be winning the low amount of games you are playing.
Yes. Awesome. We are tired of the smurfdiscussions I see. The topic of the thread.
If your real skill level is higher to what your rank is showing up, you should be defeating your opponents easily.
People just like to put excusses at everything. If you lose, that's because you could had done something better or your opponent is simply better than you or using stronger tactics (meta).
People also forget that they are also a random to the other guy.
Either you try to carry or shut up. If you don't make calls, don't complain later that you are in a uncoordinated team. |
So it would make sense for me to run a new account then since the only one I've ever used is burdened by loads of losses from when I was first getting into CoH2? If I cared about rank that is.
I'm gonna put it simple. If you are a good player, you will get high ranked, if you are a bad player, sooner or later rank will put you on your place. |
Skillplanes are strong and needs to be tone down (the whole offmap plane mechanics and countermeasures needs a rework)
P47 first strafe is undodgeable but at least it misses pretty badly against medium tanks.
Stuka just lay destruction to both tanks and support weapons in the zone. |
And what are the parameters once again ? Did you compare number of won games from previous week to now or you just took out their actual streak?
What group of players? Top10, Top50, Top200 ? |
Aerohanks point is that, just like the Ol ISU, it doesn't only punish people who blob, rather than lone squads.
Bad mechanic, bad design.
I'll rather have it reduce munition cost and allow some counterplay (ala S-Mine field) or having it reworked and give the Soviets some late game scaling munition dumps. |
Let's consider this situation:
You are a middling player who is playing from time to time - not every day because you haven't got the time - though you would like to. And when you play, sometimes you play one - maybe 2 games in a row because of time. You struggle and earn your 3000 -2000 or whatever place number in the ladder. Then some top 50 smurf is comming with a new account being automatched with you while he is 500 below you in the ladder - because of smurf account. And beat the hell out of you insuring a severe ladder drop for you.
What would you think? That it is fair?
Losing against higher people on rank won't demote you as far as losing against people lower than you. EVEN THEN, if you had a high number of games played, your ELO is stabilized (mostly).
Facing someone top100 as top2000 is a matter of time. Facing someone top500 as someone top 2000 shouldn't be weird TBH. |
top 4500 is not mediocre, top 100 is mediocre.. are you sure you are not just as bad youself?
Truth is harsh. |
Because of this, level (more game time) can actually be a more fair indicator of skill than actual rank. It is unlikely that somebody with hundereds of hours of gametime is a bad player. But of course, it's pretty fashionable to claim just that on the boards. Both parameters kinda depends. With gametime the question is "how much do you need to play to grasp everything and improve to a certain sticky level?" If you claim to know this game after 50 hours you are simply ignorant, not a genious player. A 100 hour player is most probably a worse player than the 1000 hour player because CoH2 is a deep game that takes loads of time to master. But the 2000 hour player might not be noticably better than the 1000 hour player. Unless he actively strived to get better, analysed key indicators and thought out processes to improve.
Quality > Quantity
ELO > Level
After 10 games the system assigns you a rank. After 20-30 games you should have a semi accurate rank.
Don't look at how many hours/level your opponent has, rather than their ranking on the ladder. |