but rifelman do suck late game bro XD ... you cant do much about it, obers rape them greens with lmgs vet 3 rapes them okw air troops do the same with rifelman assholes ...
efter you lost a rifelman squad its hard to get them back cos you need to pay 120 ammo for dubble bars whille greens are good to go with one lmg
late game when you got alot of micro and one click ubers or greens makes life ez
whille you got close range rifelman thet need to be baby sited until they will come to the point you can leave them shooting ...
panzer greens with free LMGS ... so ez to get them back to the lines if you lost some squads ...
[panzer greens preform too well they dont pay any ammo for it ,if i want rifelman some how preferm as good as them i need dubble bars for 120 ammo .
for usf its really hard to come back if we lose the momant its really hard to come back and out play
Sry but i'll have to disagree. Vet3 makes Rifles life easy on the late game. Double bar is your stock option but you can also go with 1919 which are a pain in the ass to deal with. Obers are a 400mp 60muni and takes time to vet, so by the time they arrive they are facing vet2/vet3 Rifles. You also forget how 5 > 4 man squad against any explosive type of weapon.
I'm mostly playing USF on teamgames, and basically playing with CalliOP.
4 Rifles 1919, Ambulance-Cpt, Stuart, M5*. 1/2* AT gun/Pack Howie*, 2x CalliOP. 2xRET Zook. Tanks are mostly optional, specially if i have the fuel. If i have the muni, i'll rather have a Stuart to chain lock heavies than a Sherman/Jackson.