People think of MG as if they were bunkers which can guard a flank, when in reality they act more like paks. They are force multipliers, so if you don't have anything to support them, they will get overrun by superior numbers. Think about suppression as setting the enemy DPS to 20/25%. If the enemy has 4 units for your only single MG, it's probable that it would lose head on, specially if you don't sight for it or the enemy has LMGs.
There's also hidden mechanics regarding how suppression is applied (like targeting cover or vehicles to suppress units through AoE), how unit count makes a difference* (6 man squad are suppressed faster than 4 man squads) and how big is the buff/debuff when you are suppressed and pinned (lower further suppression for few seconds after suppress)
IMO: which doesn't matter as it would take huge loads of work and tweaks.
-nerf double LMG and balance performance accordingly to 1, make LMGs slightly worst at closer range, bar worst at longer range. Replace 1919 from CalliOP commander (at least some reason to try Infantry and Paras).
-Either replace or just tweak to make the increased values from vet 3/4/5 on several units to only apply in cover. For example: if we establish that 29% RA and 40% accuracy are the top values, anything besides that only applies when units are behind cover. Penals/PF would get their "extra" 20% accuracy only when in cover, same for Rifles with their "extra" 14% RA.
PD: i'll add passive suppression on certain unit to be only useable when in cover and still (similar but not equal to defensive stance).
-Unfortunately it seems as if the new factions were designed around blobbing. FRP on anything besides 1v1 are cancer. It would be "fair" to give cancer to EFA. It would be better to just nerf (somehow) FRP across the board.
For example: make FRP have a 1-3min cooldown. You wouldn't want to consume the cooldown on a single unit and you'll need to "micro" the retreat point by toggling it off and on.
Regarding your example:
-14 PTRS shooting only once at said Ostwind.
-85avg pen vs 110/55 armor with 40dmg per shot.
-Accuracy debuff doesn't matter cause it won't miss. Reload doesn't matter cause they probably won't be able to land more than 1/2 shots. Cooldown will realistically make it so they only shoot 1/2 salvos and is the only relevant stat (against vehicles). This depends on whether they could land a shot before been suppressed or not.
-Taking the best case scenario of only 1 volley from the 7 squads, you will receive on avg 433 dmg (normalized it means 11/14 pen shots = 440dmg). Been that the HP pool of the Ostwind is 640HP, you probably back out after it's first volley.
It's funny since zook/schrecks would not necessarily be better on a simil situation as it would leave it to RNG if they are able to hit or not with the debuff.
What u should have done is push with the PIV first, the Ostwind follows and crush with BOTH of them. A non vet 2 PIV has a 180 armor making it on avg to receive a bit more than half of the dmg the Ostwind received. It's probable that you stayed still trying to shoot at them. If you went for the crush with both it's even possible that the blob wouldn't had time to aim at your tanks as you are pushing them out or just straight crushing them.
You just have to play around it. Never send in vehicles alone to take out a stuart. Have to use combined arms. As for stug's, the ability was nerfed for both stugs and paks a while back. It only stuns attack, not movement anymore. Even if it still exists in original form for Stug E that is doctirnal and Stug E's don't damage tanks well.
Stug G TWP makes the gun not be able to shoot. It has increased penetration (280avg) and deals 160dmg. The problem with the Stug E is that it's using the Stug G version instead of it's own version (100avg pen and 80dmg)
Old TWP used to be equal damage to the main gun but double base penetration. This meant the Stug E version was crappy against any medium tank (avg against T34-76) and just for light vehicles mostly.
The paks are still using the old TWP which stun tanks.
It depends on the situation. It depends on how the fight devolved.
If you play with a sniper, you'll probably have high amount of kills but not necessarily damage done.
Same if the game goes to mid/late game and vehicles arrive. Any AT source puts lots of damage. You could be doing lots of damage and kills through indirect fire, but you might just been giving map control and putting pressure on your partner having to hold the line and cap the map.
Again, don't look at the stats page and watch the replay. If you don't understand what went wrong, you can always go to the stage office for others to give feedback on it.
Since i'm not gonna go through the whole discussion (and i should just clean that 1v1 discussion but let's move on) and read all pages i'm gonna summarize my opinion on the subject.
Note: it shouldn't be isolated changes rather than take this as a whole.
1- AA in the game is outdated. Both how the mechanics to take down a plane and the capabilities through different factions.
M5 AA performance is sad and people joke accordingly that the IS2/ISU gunner are just plain better. For cost, Ostwind is not amazing compared to Centaur and the Flak HT remains a "badly bugged" unit (AA is good/fine for both USF/OKW HT).
For options: see Mirage approach on the subject.
2- Flak bunker in base are not required right now, specially when OKW now get's access to snare. Simil reason, i don't see why USF get's extra MG bunkers on it's circular base.
Remove extra bunkers and replace flak bunkers with MG bunkers. This "decent" flak bunkers could replace the ones which are on the commander slot for OKW.
3- Finally we arrive to the Schwerer. I do think the AA gun should require an upgrade BUT i think it should be done with this other changes.
3.1: Medics no longer requires an upgrade. Building T1 comes with the medics.
3.2: Deploying T3 (Schwerer) cost from 1/2 to 2/3 of it's current cost. It comes without the gun and ONLY have access to Obers + JPIV
3.3: Unlocking the AA gun cost 1/2 to 1/3 PLUS the current medic cost. This unlocks the AA gun and gain access to PIV + PV.
3.4: KT requires that the T3 must have been upgraded once.
The AA gun capabilities should be a toggleable option with a long cooldown. Either you want it to focus on AA or against ground threats (Simil to ISU behavior).
The point of the changes is to keep the current total tech cost, while slightly buffing the midgame from OKW (healing, Obers timing and somehow early access to AT tank). Replacing T3 shouldn't be as hard nor the only option after losing it been a call in tank or KT.
What i don't get is what are you trying to accomplish here.
-If you want them banned from the game, for either harassing and/or multiaccounts (smurfs) you should take it to @Relic or the official forums
-If you have issues related with Twitch, well talk/contact Twitch.
Before i continue, disclaimer that i don't approve of their behaviour.
-If you want them banned from here, what should they be banned for? Have they done anything HERE that deserves that? I think the politic here is that for this type of cases Relic is the one who should step up, not coh2org. For the same reason cheat accusations are not handle here.
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Today, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Today, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Yesterday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second Last Friday, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game Last Friday, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... Last Friday, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI Last Friday, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all Last Thursday, 13:32 PM
donofsandiego: Return of the chatGPT writing prompt. Lets see how shinasukac responds to these questions utilizing the Socratic Method. Maybe he will give us an interesting look into his opinions Last Thursday, 02:34 AM
Willy Pete: I havent even seen a pershing yet. Coh3 games still move too fast for it lol Last Thursday, 00:30 AM
shinasukac: kingtiger=kingjoker Last Wednesday, 16:27 PM
Lady Xenarra: Has anyone actually used the KT much? My experience is that the match is usually over long before I get the CPs for it Last Wednesday, 14:35 PM
Rosbone: Can someone message me the day you can look at Coh3 and not face palm yourself in disbelief that actual humans worked on it? Much appreciated. Last Wednesday, 06:40 AM