And it is not possible to loose tracking once outside ? FOW does not count at all in this sutation?
You have to lose sight when INSIDE the circle. Once you are tracked, it doesn't matter where you end up going. This applies to all loiter planes.
A side note, in the the first vid the ability acually ended, but the plane smelled blood lol.
The tracking phase ended. But the ability was already ongoing and you were already targeted. Look at the minimap, the loiter planes is doing a counterclockwise scout and it get's vision on the yellow AT gun. The plane does a weird turn towards south before going for the strafe.
You've seen the hp on the Persh, i had to stop and repair somewhere. If there no save harbor on the map in situations like that...
It would be Ok, if a tank revealed it to finish him off while it was a sitting duck at my base entrance.
I have my hypothesis (see below) about the issues with the bombing part of the ability, but if that were a normal AT stuka strafe plane, it wouldn't matter where would you had gone. That Pershing was dead.
The real question is, should this happen on a regular basis and AA is a must have now (against this ofc.)?
Just to clarify the game itself went wrong on many other occasions anyway, not complaining here.
Yep, you see that commander in loadout and you see any clue that he choose it, go for AA.
ISSUE with sector assault: is this the first loiter plane which get access to bombs? The delayed effect of the loiter actually makes it more deadlier as people don't expect it to hit so far behind and with that much accuracy. |
Let's make some things clear which even after 5 years it doesn't seem like it.
Loiter planes have 2 phases. Tracking and attacking.
Tracking: UI bugs aside, the plane will loiter around looking for targets inside the circle. Once it identifies a viable target, it will go to the 2nd phase.
Attacking: whatever the target position is (inside or outside the circle), the plane will proceed to strafe it.
Like all circle abilities, whatever death they deal inside the circle, outside should be save or the actual bug is that the range of this ability doesn't fit whats showing on the ui. Maybe he targets target should be highlighted?
I think its a lot scarier and effective than P47s at the moment...
Just had this with a Pershing which was like a lot more outside the area than in this vid and also the Persh was inside the fow.
How does it work, does this thing snaps onto its target and follows it through the FOW?
slightly op 1
slightly op2
Choose if thats OP or not, but the attack on the Pershing doesn't really feel good...
In both cases, you can see clearly in the minimap how the plane goes outside the circle in a straight line to start the strafing attack. In the first case, it goes for the AT gun and in the 2nd case it's the Pershing.
PD: just in case, i'm not emitting any type of balance opinion about it, even if it looks ridiculous. Just clarifying what is happening. |
I'll focus on YOUR mistakes, not on the opponent ones.
1': double SP opening. You lose a lot of map presence early on. Leave that for specific 2v2+ strats with a partner.
2: you got a SwS HT with 2 SP and a single Volks. You started fighting mid range with a Penal (you waggle in and out) and when the 2nd SP joins the fight, he backs up, you chase and you end up getting baited into a sniper. You cross red cover and your opponent is intelligent enough to use the sniper on the fullhealth SP and the Penal on the wounded SP.
You managed to make the opponent retreat, but you suffer heavy casualties. 4 models of SP and you are extremely low on health on one of them (20%).
Meanwhile, your Volks grenadier which was making a sandbag at the beginning is sitting doing nothing. Your SwS is doing nothing and you are floating almost 500mp. You went for the 221 rush.
3:Nevertheless, you are still ahead on map presence.
4:You chase the sniper and killed it. Set waypoint for units been built, even if it's just barely outside your base. Your attention is only focused on 1 thing for quite some time, meanwhile the rest of your army is sitting doing nothing (2 SP, a forward SwS, 2 Volks).
5: While that kill on the sniper was fine, it forced you to focus your attention on the 221 and repairing it. Your single Volk in the field is fighting 2 Penals (1 with PTRS) and a CE. You went for the Medic HQ.
After some retreats, you are 50/50 with your opponent. He has the fuel lead (2 fuel points and no vehicle) but you managed to wipe the sniper.
9: don't float as much munitions unless you have a plan for it (200). Mines, finish all your Volks squads with STGs, use grenades.
Don't retreat an MG into a garrison against a Shock squad, you almost lost it to a grenade.
Don't build more than 1 sandbag segment. Leave multiple sandbags against each other against comp stomp.
At some point you got medics.
11: you have 0 AT. 10 mins into the game. Again, you have 0 AT. Any decent player would had exploit this weakness, 3 minutes ago.
In your mind you might think you are winning the game. But you are not pushing each time you force a retreat from your opponent.
You went for Mech HQ.
13: 750mp, 200f. You went for a repair upgrade.
Armies atm.
2 Volks STG, Volk, MG, 2 SP, 223. You are still floating as well 360muni
2 Shocktroops, 2 PTRS Penals, Penal, Engineer.
Also, don't rush SP against Shocktroops. First wipe of the game for you. Lost the unupgraded Volks to face to face Shocks and a PTRS Penal (which only landed the final blow).
15: you start making Flak HQ. Your opponent already has T4. Big fight lost. Your opponent is constantly using grenades, both frag and smoke, to spread your army out. You basically full retreat. At least keep your 223 on "cache mode", if you are not using it.
17: NEVER face plant an MG at fire range from enemy units. Specially if they have grenades as Shocks.
20: Reminder to use munition. 500 float at this point. You got a PIV. He got an IS2.
I'm seeing the pattern. You forget about the rest of the army while focusing on a single unit.
22: Pacic rak after seeing the IS2. A bad rally point made you lose it instantly to Shock + IS2.
24: Tried to recrew rak, while fighting, with no proper cover for it, lost it to a flame barrage. Lost a Volks to Penal + Shocks.
The sole reason you haven't already lost, is because your opponent didn't steal or destroy that rak.
At this point you are tilted and start using chat.
25: KV8 arrives. Melts your units away. Your army is now an MG, a SP, a Volk, an Ober, a PIV and a building PV. Not counting the 223 cache.
You are running units in front of the KV8 just to lose them.
28: You traded SP + Volk and your vetted PIV for the KV8. (Insert worst trade trump meme).
29: you went for the RNG roll with the PV against IS2. You were lucky. At some point you lost your MG. Your only infantry is a single model of an Ober. You called a Sturmtiger.
33: Sturmtiger teamkills your vetted Panther after it was double AT satcheled by Penals.
35: at this point he only lost a single sniper infantry wise. You lost 3 SP, 4 Volks, your rak got stolen and you "lost" 3 times your MG (you recrewed it). Vehicle wise: he lost an IS2 and KV8 and you lost PV and PIV.
Game keeps going on but the game was already over way before.
-First of all, if you don't have any positive to say on chat, just "disable" it. It tilts you and makes you play worse.
-DO NOT FLOAT munition unless you have a wonderous muni call in such as the Stuka Strafe. One of the main reasons you lost, is that your opponent manage to stay below 100 muni for most of the game by the usage of nades and flame barrages.
-DO NOT FLOAT man power on the first minutes of the game. Do not have idle units at this point.
-Focus more on the "macro" side of the game. When you focus too much in microing single units, you lose sight of what your other units are doing.
For the game review:
-You didn't lose to Penal spam. 3 Penals (2 with PTRS) is not spam. That is as much as Spam as you making 3 Volks, someone building 3 Grenadiers or someone getting 3 Rifles.
-Same with Shocktroops. You didn't lost to the "new" Shocks PPSH profile. You lost against someone spending their munition.
-Forget about double Sturms opening. Specially if you are still going to make Mech HQ for repairs.
-I'll say it again: use your munitions. Mines, flame nades, all Volks upgraded with STG. Get the minesweeper package if you need extra repairs, or get Panzerschreck if you need extra AT. Don't forget you have other abilities as well with your commander and veterancy.
Obers can put demos and use cancer smoke nade. Sturmpios get access to stun nades through vet. Vetted 223 get access to riegel mines.
Commander wise, the Panzer commander barrage is only useful against static unit. That's basically the only ability you mostly used during the game, against a mobile army. Use more heat shells and even Blitzkrieg (offensively or defensively).