Sure, sure... Lets nerf poor soviets even more...
You guys wanna talk about over powered German tanks???
Ha Ha Ha sorry... you talk about the panzer 4 that misses half of shots and needs 4 hits to kill a t34, and that can't ram and unable tigers like they do?
Ah or OP soviet artillery that instantly kills tigers and elephants sometimes
or 120 mm mortars, which one shot german troops with an incredible accuracy ??
Did u even experience a match being german vs those lame build orders?
I only see the same lame tacs those days. Oh wait! Why people don't use the kv8 anymore??? Ah it has been balanced my bad...
In order to counter everything, just build shock troopers, su and 120 mms and u can own all t1, t2 and t3 german stuff => Great skills needed wow
The day the german could aim better than farmers and the tiger will shoot further than a mg, I will say it is balanced
Thanks Relic to consider this, make your game playable