...beta feels great, might be my new gpu but i think that's not the major part.
Unit responsiveness is so much better, keep it going relic! |
...relic should at least seperate AT and RANDOM teams in the queue, that would almost eliminate the issues OP and others have while not hurting matchmaking-time that much. |
Here at Relic we work hard to encourage the community and fans of the Company of Heroes series to treat each other with respect and play the game in the spirit of good sportsmanship. We strive to cultivate a fun environment for those playing our games and interacting within our community.
The Company of Heroes community is exceptionally close-knit and it is really important to us to foster a culture of mutual respect and support. Our fans are vital to our success, and the relationship that we are building with you guys is incredibly important to us.
As developers, we hold ourselves to this same high standard. We were recently made aware of a situation that has exposed a failure to meet these standards. It’s important we ensure that all employee interactions also support the values with which we govern our community. We take this matter very seriously and will be investigating this further so that we can avoid something like this happening again.
Thank you for your continued support!
The Relic Community Team
Jeffery ‘Noun’ Simpson and Cynthia_RE
Solid reponse to recent events, much appreciated. |
Well unfortunately it is too late to try this in CoH2 obviously, but in CoH1 CoHO the balance was actually perfect, considering it was done after 4 years of almost perfect balance cycling. The abilities you could grab weren't broken either(people tested them beforehand) and if they still were afterwards they had quick hotfixes.(unlike coh2 
...stealth rifles, infantry attrition, self repair, flare, mp blitz giving 150 fuel, triple strike bombing run, combat pioneers, faust on pios...just to name a few...not broken? come on. |
So if I call a guy who insulted me an asshole, Im a dick too then.
You missed out on the "personal expierience" part, bro. |
[00:00:12] taxman66: gonna kubel and truck push?
[00:00:13] taxman66: noob
[00:00:22] [ |?] B R E A K I N G B R A D: lolw hy are you so angry
[00:00:37] taxman66: because you're bad
[00:00:40] taxman66: and use exploits
[00:00:43] [ |?] B R E A K I N G B R A D: ok
[00:00:44] [ |?] B R E A K I N G B R A D: thanks
[00:00:53] [ |?] B R E A K I N G B R A D: gl and have fun to you too friend
[00:13:19] [ |?] B R E A K I N G B R A D: gg asshole
People seem to ignore the entire chatlog.
You seem to ignore that your mate is a dick (speaking from my own experience, since I had the honor to play vs him as well, can provide chat log if necessary).
Can he do what he wants? Yes, sure.
Does that make him look very clever? Nope.
but he is one of the most respected here on this forum
oh, is he?
...on topic: after a few games, panther feels quite good now. |
No worse, I'm an englishman living in Germany since 8 years.
This was actually my 2nd guess. That 4:1 was totally decided by the ball. |
Adidas did make a crap ball for the SA world cup in 2010. Germany got to play with it all year in the Bundesliga which is why they did so well there, and eventually built a platform for them to win this time around (Germany still have more access to the WC balls than other countries, they use it for the Pokal/cup matches IIRC).
You from Argentina? |
...interesting topic...
personally I have an ambivalent view on it.
First there is a game which provides several hours of "fun & enjoyment" for an investment of approximately $ 25. This applies to all the People who complain about the game as well. Comparing this to other "enjoyments" you have to pay for you get quite much for the Dollar. So there is actually no valid reason to bitch as hard as some people do.
The second aspect is that relic aims quite high in comparison to what they actually have delivered, as well as beeing able to deliver in the future (that is only my personal Impression of past Events). They aim for high stake e-sports while there are things in the game which can decide the outcome of the game regardless of individual Player skill, e.g. mg-bug or okw-base destruction arty. That does not match any e-sports claim at all. |