since this forum is all about complaining about the war spoil and commander system recently, i make yet another post about that stuff:
what wins you games? i tell you: mind, strategy and tactics. the commanders are neither pay2win nor an i-win button. i play this ghame since beta and tackled a lot of stuff (e.g. the pio-terminator phase), however ive NEVER seen ANY commander i couldnt beat with some thinking. i see elite troops: i get some more at guns. i see the opel blitz tiger doc: i get some AA trucks... i see someone goes ISU doc: i build anti inf stuff and tech to elefant or panther
the bulletins barely make any difference. why is everyone so keen on them? the only thing they to do to me is telling me what my opponent will build. and the commanders...jesus christ this game isnt about grinding. what will you do with your extra commanders? as much as i m informed there is no commander with the "get 10 000 Muni and Fuel" ability which could win for you. I m using the same set of commanders which the game came out with and they offer enough to complement my tactics.
the forum reactions however show me how superficial people are. complaining that you have to gind...i mean wtf... nobody forces you to grind... try to get more used to the core mechanics and improve your macro and build orders.