There is nothing wrong with forward retreat points, no matter what map you are playing. It involves strategic decisions and come also with disadvantages. This game isn't and should not be all about micro. It should involve brains also. If a player succeed to beat the other just because he made better decisions despite his inferior micro, we should value that.
Sometimes good decisions are more valuable than micro. And a well placed retreat point is a good decision, though risky. Because forward retreat points can be shelled like hell with ballistics that will do alot of damage. You knew that, I suppose.
Strategic decisions: WHERE should I place my retreat point on map? Closer to my base?Closer to his? Closer to a cutoff? Closer to a resources/victory point , etc. Should I shield it with a house or with some trees? How to place it in order for retreating units to easily access it?
Disadvantages: An advanced retreat point can be shelled with balistic weapons that can be placed verry safe (NEAR or even IN your opponent base). An advanced retreat point can be shelled with off maps and can be easilly spoted in order to. Finally, an advanced retreat point can be stormed in team games by 2-3 armies in the same time, and be made one with the ground with all retreated units.
problem is, forward retreat point isn't too much of a brain work to be rewarded with 30 second back-to-the-field ability for whomever is using it. imo.
when i see okw player suddenly mass retreating ~5 min mark, i know hes got a forward retreat point up that i cannot do anything about until late game arties like katusha or priest. it is hilarious how ppl suggest mortars, atg, smoke and demo (requires 3 btw lolz!). obviously, that only works against super agro noob okw players. so basically, because okw bothered to use his brain for 1 sec, he gets to shave seconds after seconds until mid-late game.
when i see usf player suddenly mass retreat post 10 min mark, i know hes got a forward retreat point up. while more vulnerable, it can move and when used right, those rifles will always be on the field in 20 seconds.
i am guessing when you said advanced retreat point can be shelled with ballistic weapons in the base, i am assuming you meant 120mm in 1v1 setting.
then you talk about how it can be rushed in team games. in my many many experience, this usually happens when the axis are already beat to hell. if they are not and you try to go for their med base, you will end up losing more than what you bargained for since your flanks will be more vulnerable and other axis teammate coming to help will have easier time picking allies off.