just uploaded a replay. it was like the 4th game like this on that day. Watch the pak40 and p4 accuracy
Just watched it, you came in frustrated and yea some of the misses sucked but you were being extremely aggressive with your early gren play. That really messed you up and early losses obviously messed with Scout car timing. You should do some AssG strats since most soviet players seem to conscript spam straight to guards and T70. Hell it seems that AT package is delayed so double AssG in halftrack could cause havoc. Also the early muni saving can be used for both mine types to protect flanks and help funnel LV to your AT.
I chalking up most of your issues to frustration since you don't get that high in rank by luck. I did have one question why did you make 2nd pioneer so early? Since he was spamming so much inf a 2nd MG would have helped out since you were so muni starved to upgrade grens. |
Had a match a bit earlier with him, felt like we played decently against each other but his models wouldn't drop. Got 3 units to half health with only 2 model drops. Needless to say I lost due to early MP drain and LV loss.
Had a feeling he would try same strat so I switched to 2 engi opening and clown car to harrass. Decent job, we went back and forth but he was pushing decent. When he went for my cutoff, I satcheled an AssG which gave me some leeway. Also made PTRS since I knew he was going to get a halftrack again. Worked out well and I started to control the map.
He went for StugE which I was able to 1v1 with clown car. Lost car right after, he made another StugE at the same time as my T34. I flanked him yet lost due to 2 bounces at point blank and a miss. This caught me off guard, I know the T34 is trash but damn it always seems to surprise me. He took momentum as I built up T34 blob and I try to avoid his AT guns. I flank him again and PTRS Penals again do what my tanks can't. I expect to see regular tanks but he keeps making more E models so I guess he is waiting for his chance to be able to get Tiger.
Little bit later I flank him and he loses both StugE and I lose both my T34, sucks but most of his strat revolves around StugE softening me up for his pushes. I keep flanking him and stealing his MG so I pretty much spread them out while hitting him with a blob so that he is forced to respond. PTRS Penals also kill a 3rd StugE by this point so he eventually switches to stalling for tiger but it is to late and I win. |
this isnt about comparing at guns, it's about the only chance for wehr to survive midgame is to position pak correctly vs light vehicles. When the pak misses in those situations it's frustrating and a almost a guaranteed lose
Every faction has that problem, you are not losing due to a random missed shot. The only thing you can control is your positioning and AT support. RNG has a heavy hand in all aspects and we just try to minimize as much as possible. You win some you lose some, I know how it feels I have lost several games where I have done everything right but game decides my shooters/drivers are drunk. I literally blobbed attacked a snared rear facing panther and due to my T34 firing on the "move" I missed about 6 shots or more in a row. Took all 4 to kill his panther and guess what I lost. I was pissed but its part of the game. I have also had games where all my T34 shots frontally penned a Tiger, worked for me but opponent was probably cursing my name.
Looking at your thoughts on AT accuracy, you are pretty much wanting to remove the light vehicle phase. Any higher chance of hitting literally makes every midgame LV useless. This would heavily benefit WEHR as they have the weakest LV so skipping them is not as impactful which to compensate would mean nerfing other parts of the faction.
You have to treat any Penal pushing or staying longer than needed against vehicles as one in the process of upgrading. AT satchel has horrible range even with bulletin so you are being overly aggressive. |
but wehr relies so much on positioning and timing, so this is almost gamebreaking
Really that only applies to T3, T4 units have the armor to get off more shots/RNG rolls. The other issue might be the reduction in TANK target size from a patch or 2 ago. Could be causing some far accuaracy issues that weren't a problem before. |
The problem with M10 is that its role is somehow undefined. Somehow it makes you believe it is a flanking tank (fast speed and accleration + flanking speed) but on the other side it is just made for frontal combat (50 range + good pen + Vet1 HVAP + too low turret rotation) as the poor man's Jackson. The unit isn't very well designed. They should have decided which role it is made for.
That turret rotation is the killer, I have had plenty of flanks stalled by turret taking to long to shoot from side or behind. The armor is paper thin so you need it do damage quickly. |
Is it just me or does the so important first shot of the following units miss way too often:
Wehr is reliant on stuff that works, this is frustrating
BRO, I have had several matches where T34 misses at point blank range. I think it is just more noticeable with WEHR since their armor units are more expensive. |
Havent played in a few days fet matched up with this guy. Just saw a cast with him so I knew I was in for an ass whipping. I did fairly well for the first 10-12 mins but several mistakes and his superior skill beat me down.
I saw he had elite armor so I guessed that he was gonna rush car. I tried to take his gas but he pushed me back sent another unit around and when he pushed I decapped. He rushed out car and I hung out in building to reduce damage which he also sent sturm to help with. I scared them both off and started decaping. I eventually got 4 penals which did decent since he rushed car he was low on infantry. I get ptrs to kill his car which I do but he kills my car also and gets my engi due to lack of micro. He rushes mg which causes me to make some key mistakes, I call in Airborne Guards and force a retreat and cause him to reposition. I also push his gas and see single MG so I call in ANOTHER Airborne. At this point I have 6 INF squads and also called MG. Even though I have great map control I have no MP and this many units is gonna stress micro. I get him off guard and push his in progress schwerer. I rush penal in and get off satchel but forced to retreat and have no muni. I bring in SMG penal wipe his VG and kill MG but I cant do damage to schwerer so need to retreat. Finally PTRS Penal make it but they don't fire and decide to move in a bit closer, they fire and get him down to 1 pixel of health but his strums beat me back and I can't destroy it. At this point we are about even in K/D but I am massively behind in MP and TECH so I need to save MP which gives him time to get the OBER spam rolling and steal the map back. By the time I get T34 out he has counters and I am unable to get any momentum back. He proceeds to steam roll me with his Ober play and P4J. GG
My plan was to get Schwerer since I have seen others use similar strat of stalling for 2-3 Obers, If I got it straight for Katy to deal with support weapons while inf mop up and make SU85 since KT would be on the menu. Fun game hope you guys like it.
EDIT: Looking back my biggest mistake was calling in unneeded MG due to his inf vs mine. That 50 muni would have been what I needed to get HQ building. At that point I could have calmed myself down reinforced and stuck to my strat. The 6 INF squads was a bit much but I would have been able to make it work especially if I could steal or destroy his RAKS. |
I want to start off and say I didn't plan to just kind of happened. During the match Radio intercept showed he was going infantry heavy and I decided to rush Quad. This is the 2nd or 3rd match were quad helped against Falls. Tried my best to step away from bad engagements
Went with T1 into x4 penals. Early on he had good positioning in middle of map, decided to move away and ran into lone VG 2nd penal came in to help, turned bad engagement to about even. He then attacked my cutoff which had a penal squad and Flame engi waiting stalled them for a bit then retreated, fresh penal forced them off. While that went dopwn I sent my low health unit to decap while other low model unit went to cap safer options.
We meet in the middle and I flank around his push, however he flanked me at the same time lol. I tried to get low health Penal around his flank so retreat path would be safer but he did a great job of chasing and got the wipe. I decide to cancel T2 and go straight to T3 when I see he also calls in Falls to get behind me with his flank. My healthier Penals keep pushing and I get both his cutoffs and retreat. Since he went for Falls I am assuming he skipping Flak or it will be stalled significantly so I go for Quad, put flamer inside it while it is upgrading to quickly attack his MG. I decrew his MG and kill his pioneer but lose Engi, I try to get his MG but he beats me to it.
I am fairly aggressive with Quad since I am not worried about mines and hasn't made Rak yet. However I only got 3 Penals and decide to make engi obviously for repairs and make 2 more Penals since I am floating MP and feel confident enough in gas that I will get my T3485 out first.
During a push he snared my Quad and I bring it to bottom of map for repair while 2 penals protect. When I see his push to get the kill I have 2 more Penals flank from left side of map to throw him off while fifth Penal is decapping his cut off. He regroups and pushes me back but I have bought enough time to get my tank out first. I get my T3485 and decide to attack his Schwerer, I send Quad out wide left to get his attention while Penal blob comes with tank to help take out building. I I get it to one hit worth of health but I am forced to retreat, I did decrew his Rak so I park my car right out side of schwerer range but with vision on Rak and decrew it again when he recaptures it. My 85 finishes self repairing and I destroy the building, looking at the replay he seemed to be stalling for Panther I think he should have gotten the P4J out due to my lack of AT. My Penals pretty much have free reign to bully his Inf with back up from Quad and 85. He gets some good hits on me but I keep cutting off his gas so getting the KT is 5-6 mins away. My IS2 shows up and he surrenders.
Getting this many Penals is definetly not something I would recommend however since the commander is fairly muni light early on. Going for a quad rush and then back teching for AT support is easier than with Terror Tactics since LMG upgrade for Airborne is 100muni. I feel Terror is the funner commander but Armored is safer since you can adjust as needed due to radio intercept. |
While I agree on most parts, OKW can really outblob USF in ONLY two ways:
A) Fussie blobs with G43s -> cancerous when the opening unit is a terminator spio. Those blobs can outblob USF in every stage of the game
B) Ober/falls blobs. I've seen 3-4x ober blobs that are impossible to counter if you don't have a rocket arty. Heck, seen 3x obers mow down 2x vet3 double BAR rifles in yellow cover on long range in about 8 seconds. That's less than 1 second per model. Falls can mow down as well. Hence, if you don't have a calliope: GG. Even the path + scott meta can't stand up to the 2x raketen + KT + ober blobs lategame.
Otherwise, OKW can't outblob USF. USF with the free officers kinda is the definition of a "have 2-3 bigger control groups". Not necessarily the classical blob, but definitely lots of models in one area.
You really gonna disrespect JLI like that, a blob with 2 vetted JLI will make short work of most units since USF have to close in. Models will drop quickly which gives VG a better engagement or combine them with Obers and you got a death squad. |