A bigger threat to the world than Nazism? And your proof for that is the post-WW2 Europe? The one free of Nazi rule, right??
What did you think Germans were going to do if Russia surrendered? Send flowers to everyone????
Holy shit don't type in this forum anymore
Well, if Britain surrendered, they would have been an ally of the Axis, and I'm assuming the USSR would fall eventually due to this for all the resources to be expended on the Eastern front.
In my opinion, Hitler was the #1 organism in the universe. He was the most loving, caring, and logical man that has ever existed. If the Nazis succeeded, I'm 100% sure that the world would live in unison with each other over the ruins of the old, savage, capitalistic societies that once lived on them.
I'd imagine Hitler would have turned the United States into a giant swimming park for the Hitler youths to vacation to. Hitler would leave Mexico as a giant toilet like it already was. Canada would probably be the biggest indoor skating rink ever built. That's most likely what Hitler would have done with North America.
I'm sure Hitler would have left South America as the 2nd largest toilet ever built.
As for Europe, there would be no more crowdedness. #Lebensraum4every1
Asia would most likely be turned into a giant indoor swimming park. The biggest one that ever existed.
Australia would be a giant farm for kangaroos. Hitler would have replaced automobiles with kangaroos, because kangaroos are the most efficient way of traveling.
Africa would be left barren, because you would be able to still smell scent of starvation everywhere.