No - I don't agree with your point - I expect a game to be supported even if it cost $20.
That's the problem here - the price of admission was set VERY high - and once admitted people realized "hang on a second - this isn't worth what I paid for".
It's like buying a Porsche (for the relative $ we're talking here) and finding the most basic of items not working to a standard that equated to the price.
The REAL problem here is that well polished games such as Borderlands 2, BioShock Infinite, Far Cry 3 etc were all polished out of the box ready to go - and I believe they were cheaper too.
So if you think its fine and dandy - then thats great - but I believe you're in a significant minority there.
You don't have to agree, it is a fact. No game will ever be released bug free, of course some games with infinite publisher budgets and a small army of QA or much simpler systems game may have less bugs but COH2 is far from being anywhere near a disaster.
A bug free game would require an infinite development time and publishers don't allow that.
I don't think the general public understand what a complicated and gigantic task game development is, especially triple A. There are so many systems at work, so many layers, just look at the credits, all those developers working on one game, so many fields and then acquiring all that talent is another massive task and even harder is getting them to all work together (poor producers) I don't envy you.
Comparing video games to cars just doesn't work, it is like comparing a nuclear reactor to a push pump. I understand customers expect and deserve a certain level quality that is without question and that is why MS and Sony charge for patches and it is easier as the hardware / software is static for consoles (mostly) PC's come in so many shapes and sizes that unexpected things pop up all the time.
I have almost always had to gets fixes for triple A games for my PC, Farcry 3, terrible performance, had to edit text files, dark souls required community mods to runs in 1920 X 1080, Aliens colonial marines...Syndicate, BF3, Crysis 2, I can't think of one game which I haven't found a bug, that may however be my developer eye.
In a perfect world I would love to see bug free games, but it won't happen.
Relic have deployed 3 patches already, I believe they're committed to making the game the best it can within their limits.
No self respecting developer in the world wants to release a buggy / bad game, but sometimes they have no choice, which sucks.