I look at every game I talk about. I'm not ignorant of information when I make statements.
And I've yet to be proven wrong on what I've said concerning Rome II, and if I get proven wrong with GTA V, colour me pleased because there's another game I can play and be satisfied with.
"I'm not ignorant of information when I make statements." so what is so bad about GTA V? you never explained why ? you didn't even answered if you watched any gameplay yesterday on Twitch because you probably didn't.
I actually think BF3 is the classic example of a good multiplatform release, and I've no doubt BF4 will only be an improvement.
lol dude, you must be trolling. Didn't you read all the problems with BF3 at launch I sent you in the other thread ? Same problems as ROME 2 but you know what ? Some peopel couldn't even launch the game! but you know what ? they fixed the problems! like they will fix ROME 2.