I did ask for everyone to give a time that would suit them, but as you didn't give a time I assumed you were flexible. It's not super easy to move people around, but I've put you into Europe 4, swapped with Aimstrong (the group is actually now more Asian than European but whatever
You can yes, but in your PM you only state your region and not your preferred start time. I've pushed down Knightmare onto the waitlist (the last Asian sign-up, invitees take priority even though KA was late) and you are now in Europe 5 starting at 1400GMT.
You've just been waitlisted, so I wouldn't worry too much. Still turn up if you can, make yourself known to the refs and we'll slot you in when someone drops out.
Main post updated.
Also worth noting is that the rules doc is now FINAL. Maps, prizes and rules are all final, including an alteration to the rules regarding Commanders + Intel Bulletins. IB's are now DISALLOWED.
Am I in the Europe 5, Europe 12 or the wait list