Thank you Sturmpanther
1)After your first Attack you retreaded both cons. The 6man squad was unnecessary. You could „hurraah“ away to your next cons. Means that you would have still 2 cons at the front for pressure.
2)Around min 4.30 1 Volks is capping right fuel, Vp. You have close to him 1 cons capping in the north and right middle 1 Pio. With this both units you could attack him and save right side.
3)Nice Timing with your t70!
4)After you planned on the right VP a demo, you forgot, that the Pio walk away from it. So the Pio did not finished his cap.
5)Why you get a garde instead of 120mm mortar? He is camping with rakten and mgs.
6)Your first t34/85 was a miss call. Definitely you needed a Katushya.
7)You can decide if you want to get indircet fire from 120mm mortar, who comes faster and can work more, or get katushya, who is saver vs Stuka. But on of them you need vs this playstyle.
8)When i watched the replay i thought something and after 45 min you did it all the time (Like build T2 with 2 pio, plant demo, get a pak/ su76)
9)About the su76 call. You could go for a pak instead of aswell. Reason: Raktenwerfer/ Puma can’t kill you. And you had enough Muni to use the pakbarrage, which deals more damage and has more accuracy
All in all you played not bad man! But have to say your enemie was 770 and less experienced. He played a very passiv OKW style. He could rush with 1 Kübel to your side, vs your Pio, who was all the time alone and capped everything
If you get 120mm Mortar and Stuka hits you, don't forget to repair the mortar!!!!!
Hope I could helped you