what was he supposed to do? Leave your zis on the base, despite the fact that he spent resources on it?
Hm, nothing makes sense from you tbh. I guess you did not even watched the replay.
I really hate it, when people start to talk in something in, but never watched the situation LUL
1. He never spent 320 Manpower for the at gun. Reason? Because he was a brit player, who used RoyalE. to recrew it. So he lost only 3 single RoyalE. models...
2. Its about fairplay, when you noticed you have an unit, which kills the game.
a) you recrew it and see already that it as only 1 man icon.
b) you can even move it and crew it up to a 7 man zisgun.
c) then move it to enemy base and kill all buildings and tanks.
3. Yes just put the 1 man zisgun in your own base and ignore it.
Also, timebannable are multiple confirmed and reported abuses in a game, and this was first one and even not by my fault.
There are 3 different zisgun bugs. And your were the worst, who kills a game round.
Yes i don't say you were intended to create this bug, but after you realised it, you abused it to win the game.