In recent time the hash has become more and more associated/connoted with hashtags. A common bulleted list is done by using (as indicated by the name) bullets or if these cannot be obtained just using dashes. Example:
Why don't you use the beautiful bulleted list feature this forum provides you with and instead abuse the hash symbol. It's neither cool nor is it your "trademark" nor distinctive feature, just a sign of being a dumb and therefore making it harder for people to grasp what you want to say.
#yolo swaggins
#such language
#very cool
#much help!
Because according to the Munterian doctrines, whenever possible one should employ contextual parallelism. As you've no doubt seen, most people on this game tend to coin phrases using the hash. Jesulin's #Adapt, the more commonly used Infantry #RektGun and etc.
I'm inputting information to the comments section of my replays, and as I am giving insight to a videogame and not a thesis paper, it makes much more sense to use the hash.
I'm struggling to see why using the hash instead of a bulletpoint would be "dumb", but there you go again acting childish and ignorant. I say this not to cause particular insult, but just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it "dumb." That is, quite literally, childish logic.