My name has nothing to do with race or religion, but its easy to understand why you assumed that. Also white flash is from Reborn, you didn't seem to know that.
You missed the Panzerwerfer killing the double snipers. Also you didn't realize, it was a 50kg bomb that De-crewed the t34-85. The reason my p4 was standing still was so that the Elephant could hit the su85 with its vision, but it couldn't shoot as far, so I tried backing up but it was too late of course. Also you didn't see allot of mines on the left side of the map. But no one perfect or can see everything, thanks for casting. 
It's not until I started casting with others (later in the day) that I realised just how much stuff I was missing. It's difficult to try and follow the action, commentate and direct the camera, especially in a 2v2 situation - but yeah I think it acted as a bit of a wake up call, like "PAY ATTENTION!".
Also I did not know that WhiteFlash is in Reborn - thanks for that.
Lastly, I really don't mind what people call themselves. I've encountered plenty of weird and wonderful names, but yours just rolls off the tongue nicely!