EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THIS!! You know those times when you or your enemy feels like messing around? Well this is the best idea ever! Don't forget to watch it (in fast forward if you like) Here's How it goes:
1. Game starts normally with firefights here and there (I'm German). I start noticing he loves conscripts so I get MG's for my Grens, armored cars, and fire halftracks.
2. At time: 11:45, the first big firefight happens with 6 conscripts vs. flame halftrack, upgraded armor car and 2 MG Grens. I blow him to pieces after watching the epicness and he retreats to his base.
3. He tries one more time to get past me, but I wipe a good amount of him out and pin him with my MG42 squad that is in a building and he retreats to his base.
4. I am sitting there waiting for something to happen while I strangle him, and he tells me to attack his base, so I set a recon plane to see it, and this is what I see: 13 conscript squads and 1 guard rifle squad (84 soldiers, a lot for CoH) behind a total of 21 sandbags all around and in his base.
Here is a pic to see the base: http://imageshack.us/a/img841/7917/9tf7.jpg
5. at time: 21:45, I decide to move in when he has 90 VP left so that if I somehow loose my 2 anti-inf top tier tanks(forgot name), 2 Grens, fire halftrack, armored car, and 1 MG42, I can still VP win.
6. This is where the epic begins, I blow the crap out of his sqauds with all my bombard tanks and fire, and HMGs for a few minutes #best, epicest ever firefight in CoH2 (Imaging a real war where there are explosions EVERYWHERE and men getting blown up all over the screen).
Here is a pic to see part of battle: http://imageshack.us/a/img46/1647/nhkr.jpg
7. I loose my halftrack and armored car due to the guard rifle. By now he has lost a few squads and most are less than 1/2 health.
8. At time, 23:15, I call in a 50kg bomb and it blows the crap out of 1/2 his army!!! So awesome!
9. His army has like 5 ppl left and I VP win!!
That firefight was the highlight of my day/week!!! PLEASE WATCH AND ENJOY THE EPICNESS!
I put the times so you can speed to those to see them! Don't miss it!!