I personally hate what Nvidia is doing with their product line so I wont buy anything from them at the moment. The GTX 770 is weak especially for the $400 price point where it gets beat in a large number of games by the 18 month old HD 7970. Its a rebranded 680 with only 2GB of graphics memory which is a big limit in upcoming games.
Do not want.
agree! I was a little disappointed with the gtx 770. on the other hand,next gen consoles will be out very soon, we are expecting more gaming pc gpus with 3gb vram at the very least. however, I don't think the hd7970 beat the gtx 770. from what I've seen so far, the gtx 770 beats the gtx 680 by a small margin running on last year/latest games on 1080p, in that respect the gtx 680 beats the hd7970 and only got beaten by the new hd7970ghz edition if that's what you mean? so yes, in terms of price I think the hd7970ghz edition is best bang for the buck.