- You need to be using Chrome or Firefox. Install the relevant plugin. Greasemonkey for Firefox. Tampermonkey for Chrome.
- I'll assume you're using Firefox. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Greasemonkey button and choose "New User Script"
- Give the script a Name (eg "Ignore User") and a Namespace (eg "tuvokis.god") and press "OK"
- Press the drop-down button again and choose "Manage User Scripts..."
- Find "Ignore User" and click "Preferences"
- In the new window, click the "Add" button by "Included Pages" and enter "http://www.coh2.org/*" and click "OK"
- Now click "Edit this User Script" at the bottom of the window.
- Add this after the "// @namespace ..." line:
Codevar ignores = [10335];
$.each(ignores, function(i, uid) {
$('.header a[href^="/user/'+uid+'/"]').closest('.post').height(30);
$('.quote_top a[href^="/user/'+uid+'/"]').closest('.quote_top').next().hide();
- Good job! To ignore a user, all you need to do is add values to this line
Codevar ignores = [10335];
Just put the user ID number of... whomever in the square brackets, separating it from the other values with a comma, and *poof* many fewer headaches!
- Save your script and close the window.
"So how do I get a user's ID number?", you ask. Well, that's easy! Search for the offending miscreant on COH2.ORG's "Search Site Member" function and the user ID will be displayed right there.