Ugh, looks nowhere near as good as vCOH. Disappointing for a game 7 years older.
Looks almost ugly. Major gripes: Looks almost cartoony in the display of icons on the display, the symbols for each unit are way too faded. Something that can be easily fixed, but even I would have a bit of difficulty detirmining where my soldiers are, and where the enemy soldiers are.
Also, could they have made the resources any more difficult to look at?
Any news on resource points? I can't believe they have made it so that you can just build on any point to make it a fuel or muni point. What a brilliant way to completely remove the strategy of fighting for resources. Now all everyone will do is rush the first three points on each side, build on them, sit back and build up their army. Very disappointing.
Yep, extracted it. Does it not show up in the game when your selecting your replays if you don't have the map downloaded? I don't have Argentan crossroads.