OKW Schwere Panzerjäger Doctrine
Theme: Focusing around reliable anti-tank capabilities from both armor and infantry, this commander utilizes nimble infantry based AT with barriers to funnel enemy armor into to waiting grasp of heavier guns.
Slot 1: Anti-Tank Measures
- Passive, 0CP
- Strumpioners and Panzerfüsiliers can build Teller Mines and Tank Traps
Slot 2: AT Panzerfüsilier
- Call in unit, 2CP
- Comes with 2x Panzerbüchse 39 (Anti-Tank Rifle)
- Replace AT grenade with 'Critical Shot' (From .55 Cal Sniper)
- Still Retain G43 upgrade
- Vet 5 replaced by 'Ambush' (Concealed in cover and deep snow)
Slot 3: Spotting Scope
- Passive, 5CP
- Identical to Wehrmacht ability
- Upgrade denied to Infrared Halftracks
Slot 4: Observed Artillery
- Ability, 8CP
- A recon plane makes a pass of a target zone (A Strip)
- If enemy units spotted (in Strip), a single Walking Stuka barrage drops on the strip 5 seconds later.
- If no enemy spotted (in Strip), Cooldown is reduced
Slot 5: Jagdtiger
- Call in unit, 15CP
- Identical to Breakthrough Doctrine
- Has access to Spotting Scope
Strategies and Rational
The abilities presented herein are to enhance methods of Anti-tank warfare. AT Panzerfüsiliers provide an alternate early-game option for Anti-armor duty then Raktenwerfer and Strumpioners, the inclusion of AT rifles allowing them to counter many light vehicles without sacrificing to heavily against infantry. The revision of their 5 star veterancy allows late game Panzerfüsiliers to add a different type of threat, being able to ambush vehicles or even infantry to deadly effect.
Anti-tank measures paired with later spotting scopes allow the OKW an alternative form of area denial then emplacements offer, the Tank traps stopping lighter armor while backed by teller mines to ensure even heavy armor will suffer on a break through. Puma's equipped with spotting scopes become extremely dangerous tank hunters, able to passively wait and observe an area before moving to cut off or ambush armor. Likewise Jagdpanzer IV's will be able to stay ready for ambush should a target pass by.
Later into the match the Observed Artillery provides a powerful way to probe enemy forces, as the recon flight will first observe the area, then provide a powerful attack to clear the zone. While the delay opens the threat of enemy forces escaping, anything caught in the way will be killed or heavily damaged, and even a retreat turns into an opening for a breakthrough. All topped off when the Jagdtiger arrives, able to use the spotting scope to observe down range, while providing either a stalwart defense against even heavy tanks or pushing forward with veteran panzerfüsiliers as a combined offensive.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.42963.872+7
- 2.52875.876+1
- 3.303163.650+3
- 4.12644.741-1
- 5.312114.732+8
- 6.289112.721+1
- 7.14760.710-2
- 8.6717.798+5
- 9.13665.677+4
- 10.745434.632+1