There’s an ongoing relationship we’ve established with the ESL, and we’ll be working - this year - to create a tournament,” Wilson tells me. “Look for big things from Company of Heroes 2 and ESL partnership in 2015.
Wilson points out. “There are lots of big plan for the franchise in 2015 and beyond, and we’re excited to head in the direction that the fans are asking us to go in.”
thanks to Con! |
are you doing this as a full time job nigo?
yes and I'm being paid by Ami and staff |
just a minor update on STEAM DB:
achievements/ev_mystery_01/defaultvalue: 0
achievements/ev_mystery_01/displayName: Mystery Achievement 1
achievements/ev_mystery_01/hidden: 1
achievements/ev_mystery_02/defaultvalue: 0
achievements/ev_mystery_02/displayName: Mystery Achievement 2
achievements/ev_mystery_02/hidden: 1
achievements/ev_mystery_03/defaultvalue: 0
achievements/ev_mystery_03/displayName: Mystery Achievement 3
achievements/ev_mystery_03/hidden: 1
bonus on Steam DB:
until last week CoH2 had 174 DLCs (released and unreleased) listed on steam DB. After last friday, this number increase to 259 DLCs.
You can see the new DLCs after "Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers".
Still nothing interesting.
They taking the community by the worst edge and tell us: "Look community, you're too stupid and immature to be a trustful interlocutor"
We, as a community, are not necessarily asking for a dialogue, there is not necessary need to be an interlocutor, but the community ask for information.
The community is asking for a plan, something on what people can rely on. Same if it change after 2 month (like any plans).
Relic is an immature company in the sense they don't understand that it is normal to change plans, it is normal to adapt plans, it is normal show a plan in January and changing some part of it in March because it doesn't feet the business requirement anymore.
They believe their words are stone and cannot be amend. They're wrong and by the way, being so immature, they make their community reflecting them and being immature as well.
When there is trust between a Company and its customers, you can change your plans, because your customers trusts you and know it is for the best.
Today, there is no trust, just defiance and whatever Relic could announce and finally resigns would be taken as a lie.
+1 |
more from Cynthia:
Totally understand where you're coming from. But I think our community would often be surprised at the variation in complaints we receive. We don't follow instructions behind all complaints, but we have to weigh and consider them all before choosing to go in a different direction.
I see a lot of 'the community wants this, no one else would argue or complain!' in situations where there is actually a lot of dissenting opinions and disagreements on that very same subject.
I agree on the 'exclusive' point that Glendizzle has made. Bottom line is that we're not trying to keep content away from people or screw new players out of content, we work to make informed decisions on things. The decisions we make are with you guys in mind (in before you ask why we make all sorts of decisions you hate ) and there is always a lot to consider. A lot of it is stuff you guys never see, and that includes community opinions that make their way to us through channels other than the visible to public stuff. Emails, private messages on Facebook, direct messages on Twitter... there is so much to consider.
I can't really get into too much detail about the MWNL commanders right now for reasons I also can't get into... all I can ask right now is that you be patient.
I think that this is a great idea in theory, it's something we've discussed internally, not just for features. Things like in-game moderation as well. It is however not without it's own difficulties.
We still have to make our own decisions based on business needs and other statistical information that our community does not have access to. Design by committee is a dangerous thing and can lead to complications as well. Our internal team is also quite talented, regardless of how happy people are or aren't with the game at any given time. They need to be able to realize their vision for the game. Also - majority rule isn't always 'right'.
Like any game studio, we have to make decisions on where time is spent and what we focus on first. For those asking, revealing our 'list of priorities' is also a bit of a trap, because it leads to angry debates and discussion regarding why certain features aren't prioritized above others. And sometimes we simply aren't able to reveal full reasoning behind our decision making process when it comes to prioritizing. Some things on the list may not make it to production.
It could be that a certain feature may seem like a good idea due to the vocal majority, but when we review numbers and other information it's actually not necessarily what we should first be doing 'next'.
It could be that a certain other feature currently in development would change how other features work on the 'back end', which means that adding a different feature has to wait until another feature is finished so we can use that new 'infrastructure'. I realize some of this is a bit vague, but feature building doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's a complicated ecosystem and even tweaking or changing one thing impacts other areas that would sometimes surprise you.
The fact that a feature doesn't currently exist in the game does NOT automatically translate to us thinking it's not worth doing.
all Monolitihic Bacon maps
+ Red Ball Express 6p
+ Rambrouch 4p (from Rewind team)
+ all maps from the "Contest maps"
+ Ardennes Assault multiplayer maps
+ Theater of war maps
= profit |
we are FUBAR
for van Voort
Brazilian M8 Greyhound in Montese, Italy - 1945
Brazilian Troops in Italy, 1945
Brazilian soldiers, Italy 1945
Brazilian P47 in Italy
Brazilian P40 in Brazil
The US 751st Tank Battalion (Sherman and Stuart tanks) and 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion (M10 tank destroyers) were placed under command of the 1st DIE (Brazilian Division) from time to time, creating a combined arms force.
Braziilian troops with AT-Gun in Italy
"Games as service keeps the community engaged, but also the team - the team's excited about getting stuff out there."
As a result there will be "smaller pieces of content" releasing more frequently, and "more communication" from the studio in a bid to keep the community engaged.
"Part of having the game as a service is that we're really embracing it to be agile and flexible in how you develop," said Duffy.
by cynthia, about the stream
We're never going to be able to answer all of the questions we get, straight away. Some information has to be revealed in time, when it is appropriate. I fully understand that the community frequently disagrees on when the timing of something like this is 'right'.
Regarding custom hotkeys? We know it's something that the community wants.
You say that answers indicate things are 'implemented in the game without being thought through enough'. We receive a ton of criticism for acting too slowly or taking our time to work on something. To be frank, our team does not make laissez-faire decisions with our development regardless of perception.
What I was trying to convey is that there is a long list of features, changes and updates that we want to do for CoH2. We can't do everything at once. Our community frequently disagrees on which is 'top priority' and as a team we weigh conversations in forums, on social channels, and pull-in game data to make educated decisions on what is next and where we should be going. We receive a ton of requests. Factions? People want Brits, more Germans, South Pacific Stuff, Canadians, Italians... you name it, we get requests for it. Sometimes the data that we pull directly contradicts certain sentiments in forums. An easy example of this is the outcry regarding Ardennes Assault. The majority of our online community leans towards multi-player. However when we review game data, we have a significant single-player population. They generally choose to interact with our brand differently. This doesn't mean we shouldn't develop for them as well.
We are not the first game studio to use NDAs, and we won't be the last. Transparency differs greatly across studios as well. Do we think we've already hit the 'sweet spot' where we're being as transparent as possible? No. It's a process we are continually working on and striving to improve. There will always be studios more transparent than us. There will always be studios that are less transparent. We have to do what's right for us, and we acknowledge that this is a work in progress. No one is sitting here telling you that we think we're perfect at everything. However I'll flat out tell you we're never going to be able to give you a 'non-evasive answer' on every single question. Sometimes we don't even know the answer to a question right away - we have to take time to review, iterate, test out theories, and determine the right answer to something. Balance is a good example of that.
2014 was a very aggressive year for the CoH team, we shipped two projects which meant the team was in a near-permanent state of shipping and launching. The majority of our team didn't take vacations. The studio holiday at the end of 2014 was needed. 2015 has a lot in store for fans, and we're currently in heads-down mode working on a bunch of stuff. When we are ready to reveal what that stuff is, we will. In addition to game content, there are a lot of community initiatives currently in development. Further Q&A support? Already in development. Nothing happens as quickly as people think it does.
Hey Havenco, thanks for the follow-up question We know there is a community desire surrounding these commanders, for sure! With timed-release content, we have to weigh things such as how to make it especially appealing and motivating for those that participated in the event, as well as how we handle requests from people that either were not able to participate in the original event, or perhaps joined our community/came into the franchise after the event. It's a balancing act - we do want to keep some content exclusive for certain activities, but understand the desire to have 'all of the things' in-game.
Regarding those specific commanders, that is something in discussion but I have nothing specific to update regarding their status just yet.