A normal day of CoH (Part 2)- short story written by Winans
So Guys....

i`am Back with part 2!
First of all i wanna summarize some events that took place the last weeks...
Well.... DevM roll thru MW Invitational....
Also the rise of the "cleavage"
Pr3d4t0rs doing what he does best....
....creating smurfs and brags about his win streaks! When i told him to stop he couldt understand at all just replying
Well after all i had breakfast...
... and started playing and streaming some games myself! First game was vs some random pe spamming scout cars...
After i killed them all i just strafed the shit ouf of his pgrens
Meanwhile some ppl in my streamchat asks if i want to 2v2 at with them... my reaction:
Second game was harder.... vs Brits! Brits do what they do best....Heroic Charge...
Great success! If was lucky tho... my storms catched the lieutanant...
...GG! Next game i got pinned down in my base at semois. I played really bad. Steping into mines i saw him laying down..
This fucker was even denying me zombie grens... shooting medics like mad
Panically choosed terror for a v1 ... thinking...
When suddenly something popped up my mind...
But it worked out! Great success! Everyone was happy...
After that i played some 2v2 AT with NotoriousNiteNite
usual routine....
That was my day at coh! I hope you....
So long....