Devm has better reputation than actuql skills.
He deserved to lose thay game
1. Threw first p4 away. Literaly. At that moment he had winning position but got too stupidly greedy.
2. His Sniper micro is one of tje worst among tournament players
3. He forgets to upgrade lmg several games. Including important ones. Idk how he even playing in finals etc.
Lol like Vasa actually said to think DevM reputation > skills is so short sighted.
he's a fucking mercenary, he plays tournaments for pride and money, automatch means little.
he's probably played like 5 games in the last 3 months and is up against someone that won the last tournament and is shit hot right now.
Gamereplays tournies, SNF4, OCF, GCS runner up..... means nothing right, cus he just lost a few automatch games.
Players like DevM, Barton, Jove, Jesulin, Aimstrong, Korean Army, etc. etc. must ALWAYS be respected for past accomplishments, with practice they have showin the past they can be the best in the world.
You better recognise 'mother f---er' you looking at a real OG.