A.) War.
B.) Pre-War
C.) Post War
D.) Times of American Propoganda filled Terror. (I.E. All the time

They need to be freaking removed. He was asked NOT to follow the boy, and yet he did. And then he got into a confrontation and shot the boy. That is a sign that he profiled Trayvon Martin and that he's a fucking racist. I could have been Trayvon Martin. So all because I'm a black guy, walking around with some Ice Tea, a Hoodie, and a bag of skittles, I need to be profiled into being a dangerous horrible criminal? Fuck that. That's just another sign of the United States still having people who want to sit around and find ways to prove themselves superior to another person, cause of the color of their skin. And the people who act like, "Racism is dead. The world is not as racist as it used to be", need to wake up and smell the bullshit that they've been standing on as their soap box.