Hi everyone, I'm tibor from Russia, nice to meet you. My english not so good, sorry.
Anyways I was wondering if tier 1 is really the only way to use Terror Doctrine. I really like terror doctrine because it gives me a-lot of tools to handle OKW blob and punish forward OKW bases with the howitzer. I really enjoy using propaganda to force retreats on German Blobs, and also creating Extra Crispy German Fried Chicken with my KV-8. After a nice dinner of German Fried Chicken I switch it up to Desert with the Arty Piece and Bombing Run on OKW basses which I tell you is extra extra sweet.
And then after all the germans are dead I get a glass of Vodka and Celebrate! ыпьем за то, чтобы у нас всегда был повод для праздника –
My issue is that I seem to only be able to really use this doctrine with tier 1 with the Pen15 Battalion as I throw boxes of Russians Chocolates on unsuspecting tanks and Girls Snipers. The reason why is because tier 2 is so manpower intensive that even if you go Terror Doctrine the reinforcement costs of tier 2 make using the units from Terror Doctrine very difficult to achieve and then you're only using Propaganda and bombing run which really is not enough.
I sometimes use shocks but most of the time I don't so anyways this is how I handle german blobs but is there a better way to strike terror into these german dogs?
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.42963.872+7
- 2.52875.876+1
- 3.303163.650+3
- 4.289112.721+1
- 5.12644.741-1
- 6.312114.732+8
- 7.756435.635+4
- 8.14760.710-2
- 9.13765.678+5
- 10.6817.800+6