What if the ability shot wide-radius flares over points rather than just giving full-sector sight?
Gameplay-wise, that would make the ability slightly dodgeable, the sight would be indicated to the enemy, and the user would have to do some scouting (which the Valentine can help with).
Other than that idea, duration is the main issue. I would advise against a triple nerf, too. |
USF Riflemen are using the yellow help text from the old Veteran Riflemen. |
It looks like Rear Echelon Volley Fire is bugged to deal almost no damage.
The ability is supposed to give a 50% accuracy, followed by +3% and +4%. For the last 5 seconds, the total accuracy is meant to be 53.56%.
Instead, accuracy is set to 50%, then 3% of that, then 4% of that, or .06% total.
This can be fixed by setting the multipliers to 1.03 and 1.04 from .03 and .04, or changing the usage type.
EDIT: it also appears that the duration of the second group of modifiers is set to 5 seconds instead of 10, meaning that the 1% suppression and bugged 3% accuracy bonuses do not apply during the final 5 seconds. |
This may be of interest, not sure if it works anymore:
Nerfed Medical Supplies, added in-base medics. I've since come to prefer the squad we got, though.
Instead of giving higher moving accuracy to Infantry Sections, I gave Royal Engineers rifles and an SMG upgrade. |
What happened this patch? The reactions to it seem so hostile here. I expect that on the other forums, but not this one. |
Wow, awesome work, Sneakeye! |
THAT is a bug then.
The Penal Battalion one had to have been added on purpose, while the Cavalry Rifleman one looks like it was missed when the squad was copy-pasted from Riflemen. So it's possible they're not meant to follow the same rules as other snares. Either way, it's inconsistent. |
Not a bug.
Penal Battalions lose range on their AT satchel when suppressed. |
Cavalry Riflemen, when suppressed, do not lose range for their AT Satchel Charge. The suppressed_activate_actions lower the range of the standard frag grenade instead. |
The updates are done by a community team, and they do well, considering how precarious balance is in this game.
Both units were only in 1 commander, and they didn't see much light, even though they have good voice lines and such.
A recon plane on an AEC would come from the Designate Command Vehicle commander ability, I believe. |