first error I get
error i get after a few seconds
any ideas
My error seems to be related. When I launch from the directory rather than the steam library, I get an error box titled "RelicCoH2.exe-Entry Point Not Found"
The error says "The procedure entry point CreateDXGIFactory1 could not be located in the dynamic link library dxgi.dll. I don't know what these .dll files are, but it seems to be the source of the problem.
After I hit ok, It goes to the original error message, the same one that pokey is talking about. And yes, the numbers have changed as a result of the update.
If anyone would be willing to cross-post this to the official beta forums where this is more traffic, it would be much appreciated. I would post there, but I can't get in game to get the password, so it seems like me and the others in this thread are kind of stuck until this gets resolved. Thanks