I am new in CoH2 modding and tested out some different things like reducing reload time, increase damage and range and also the explosion effects to the tarrain. Now I gave my Obersoldaten of OKW four Stg-44 Vampir instead of just two and that worked fine. Now I wanted to add the Panzerfaust abbility for the Obersoldaten and was able to add it. Therefore I used the Fallschirmjäger_Panzerfaust Abbility in the section modal_abbilites in the .xml editor and just copy-pasted it to the Obersoldaten abbilities. The Obersoldiers are firing and the effect on the enemy is the same as I would fire the Panzerfaust with regular Fallschirmjägers, but my Obersoldier has no Panzerfaust in his hands and isnt making any animation. There isnt even a smoketracer of the Panzerfaust projectile. So it seems to be that the abillity cant connect to an animation which is needed. I searched long and couldnt find the category for the animations in the foulder in the .xml file. Can anybody help me with adding/changing animation parameters for soldiers? The end result should be that my obersoldiers have a panzerfaust in their hands like a regular Fallschirmjäger while firing. Help would be very nice.
Sorry for bad english
