Outsourced gaming esports club, [oGc] is new team forming for Starcraft II and Company of Heroes, the vision of this team is to create a team that plays with common goal to improve as a team in a friendly and helpful environment. We want to be an active and competitive team in the oceanic scene. as you may have guessed the clans primary location ios AUS and NZ/Oceania.
Our aim in the creation of this gaming team, is to provide an environment for players to practice improve and also have a good time playing there chosen video games.
friendly and mature (all ages are welcome)
Skype and/or raidcall– working mic
Willingness to improve, and compete for fun
Available for 1 practice session per week.
Amateur coaching provided as well (dependent on time and player availability)
either PM Water on the forum, or add me on skype (josef.broniecki)
IGN.code – Zombie.715/ COH2: steam id or email.
Goals – what you hope to achieve in sc2 and/or COH
availability to practice – how many hours per week.
Any further questions you can PM me anytime
Thank you. and apologies if this was posted to the wrong forum i couldnt see a clan forum area
