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Post History of GCC Strategos
Thread: Commander Update Beta 2021 - OKW Feedback9 Apr 2021, 16:44 PM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad Fortifications Looks nice. Good old defense doc. Special Operations This gives the doctrine a little more early game power. Luftwaffe Ground Forces Doctrine With the merging of the Heavy Fortification and Field Defenses, the doctrine gets an additional strengthening. To make it playable, however, you should replace the smoke drop with the ostwind. Because you like to tech up quickly with a paratrooper so that you can spend the other FG 42. This combines wonderfully with the ostwind that you can build in the Panzer Hq. However, so that you still have a recon, you could still fly a reconnaissance aircraft for each front sector in Valiant Assault (same as with Assault) at an extra charge for the Muntion, of course. Scavenge Doctrine The Thorough Salvage Ability is completely useless as it is now I would replace it with a 221 or an Opel Blitz (Wehrmacht). 105mm Artillery Barrage This change was long overdue. 280mm Rocket Barrage Nice change. Buildable 20mm Flak Emplacement This change was long overdue. Command Panther Good change. Command Tiger Bring in line with other heavy tanks Early Warning Flare Traps Nice to see. Emergency Repairs Seems logical. For the Fatherland Good change makes the skill useful. Heavy Fortification and Field Defenses Good change makes 2 more doctrines playable. Incendiary Munitions for Le.IG Bring in line with other abilitys. Jagdtiger Yeah why not. King Tiger Bring in Line with other mounted mgs. Le.FH 105mm Looks good. Pak 43 Yeah why not. Panzerfusiliers Looks good. Radio Silence The changes look good. But for what you get it could be a bit cheaper. Sturm Offizier Yeah why not. Sturmpioneer Flamethrower This change was long overdue. Sturmtiger This change was long overdue. Valiant Assault Look at the Luftwaffe Ground Forces Doctrine. Zeroing Artillery Looks nice. Panzer Commander The 105 howitzers offmap from the Panzercomander is strong, so strong that the Commander is no longer available on the Tiger. So that you can balance it better and you have the opportunity to spend the commander on all tanks again, you should weaken the barrage to a light infantry gun Barrage (east), the pak player has to react, the pak is decrewed but not destroyed. This gives the Okw player the option to choose between Mg (Inf. Damage) or Panzer commander (better accuracy and more Vet). Volks MP40 Due to the change in ppsh recruits (high damage output). I would buff the Volks Mp40 a bit so that they are not too weak. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Commander Update Beta 2021 - Soviet Feedback9 Apr 2021, 15:16 PM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad ![]() Conscript Support Tactics The Offmap ability complements each other well because you can play with either KV 1 or t34 with the doc, so you can switch off paks. Guard Rifle Combined Arms Tactics The ability is pretty much perfect as it is now, good damage output and you have to set it manually. Lend-Lease Tactics No more random drop of fuel, but a logistics truck looks good. The Browning goes well with Lend Lease. Partisan Tactics The ambush ability is strong and the way to only have 1 partisan squad and different upgrade paths looks good. Reserve Army Tactics The officer supports a good cons play together with the supply drop it can be played variably. Soviet Anti-Infantry Tactics The shock troops enable a possible anti vehicle defense with the upgrades what shocks cannot, so you can play more options. Soviet Industry Tactics The supply truck enables vehicles to be built quickly. The overflight spoots targets for the Katyusha. Only the KV8 does not fit into the doc because the T34 does enough Inf damage and is more mobile. Possibly T85? Soviet Shock Army Tactics The Doctrine is now a good all-rounder. Tank Hunter Tactics Yeah thats ok. 120mm Mortar The mortar is now really usable except for the fused rounds. It has more accuracy for the barrage and then that fits. 152mm Howitizer Strike Good offmap, maybe a little too cheap? Advanced Fortifications Sometimes useful. Airborne Guards The unit is now the Russian version of Commandos why not. Sometimes useful but you don't need them. Armored Vehicle Detection Its ok. Assault Guards Strong unit even without upgrades. The upgrades allow anti inf or anti vehicles to play different tactics. B4-203mm Howitzer Yes, good question how to balance this unit. My suggestion would be that the B4 shoots 3 shots the first shot hits exactly in the middle (if in the Fog of War with some scatter) and does 250 damage, the other 2 shots have the normal scatter of the B4 and only cause 100 damage the rate of fire should be a bit faster than in the current patch. Conscript Assault Package Looks like really strong special on mainline Inf. Conscript Repair Package Good addition to the ability. Fear Propaganda Looks like a nice change. For the Motherland Compared to the other ability (Radio Silence, Valiant Assault, Assault), the buffs are good and the ability is not too expensive. IL-2 Rocket Run Change looks ok. IL-2 Sturmovik Strafing Run The ability is now a good offmap. IS-2 Bring in line with the other heavy Tanks. KV-1 Heavy Tank The changes are ok. ML-20 152mm The change is nice to see that gives the unit more usefulness. Partisans The change is interesting, you lose the shock factor with the partisans, but they should be compensated. The partisans should receive the movable camouflage of the commandos and also an ability which makes it possible to sabotage enemy points (negates the resources for 45s and all connected points). This turns the partisans into real ambush specialists and decapers. PMD-6 Light Anti-Tank Mines Somethimes usefull. PTRS Conscripts Nice to see. Rapid Conscription Trading Munition to Menpower somethimes usefull. Shock Troops Bring in Line with other special Inf. Spy Network Good change. SVT Crates Bring in Lines with G43. ZIS-6 Cargo Truck Solide Unit. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Commander Update Beta 2021 - Ostheer Feedback9 Apr 2021, 12:52 PM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad ![]() Festung Armor The change is good, the doctrine supports a strong P4 game which is currently being played anyway. It can still be discussed whether the East P4 is better than the Okw P4 and whether you need the overhaul, but on the whole the doc is safe to play. Festung Support The change is quite good since the dok is now pretty much the same as the Soviet counterpart (city defense tactics) German Mechanized Good doctrine also supports a T3 play with P4. Joint Operations Yeah its ok. Luftwaffe Supply Doctrine That there's a new officer is cool. The drop of Pak and Mg allows the doctrine to be flexible. An offmap ability is always good. Mobile Defense Doctrine Yeah its ok. Storm Doctrine That fits very good. 251 Mobile Observation Post The changes are ok but the ability is still quite weak. You should increase the range so that you can safely set the flares (+5). Assault and Hold Compared to the other ability (Radio Silence, Valiant Assault, For the Motherland), the buffs are good and the ability is not too expensive. Artillery officer Reducing the cost of reinforcement is good. However, the officer does not play because he does not fit into any build order. Since you either build 1mg 3-4Grens and then 1 PzGren or only Pios with Mgs and then Panzergren or just team weapons. The officers are a closerange support unit. However, the PzGrens fulfill this role better, so hardly anyone plays the officers. So that the officers can really be played, you have to integrate them into the various build orders. The best way to do this is to change the model back to grenadiers, remove the active combat ability (diversion) and set the stats so that the officers are a slightly better grenadier quad with 5 man. In addition, he gets all support skills and the view is reduced to normal again. This enables the player to integrate the officers perfectly into the build order. Breakthrough For the cost of abilty a good change for sure. Reduce costs to 40? Command Panzer IV The smoke grenade change is really nice so you can use the command P4 as a support unit. The two abilitys are both good too. If you want to use the P4 more as a support unit, you would use Mark Vehicle. However, if he is a bit more offensive, Light Artillery Barrage would be more appropriate. Let's see what's coming. Concrete Bunker Seems nice. Counter Attack Tactics Good changes, now a usefull ability. Forward Resupply Station The building is ok but it should be buildable and not only used in occupied houses. Grenadier Jeager Light Infantry Package This means that the G43 Grens can be used even more offensively. This enables a different style of play, so you can see more variety. They are not too weak but not too strong either. Hulldown Nice to see that ability can now be used. JU-87 Suppression Loiter Yeah its ok. Luftwaffe Field Officer Same problem as the other officer. Ability goes well with the Air Force officer, and so do the parachute models. Simply put the paratrooper k98 in your hand and adjust the stats to the grens. Then it fits perfectly into every build order. Mortar Halftrack Incendiary Bring in Line with other Mortar Halftracks Osttruppen Looks good. Panzer Grenadier Support Package Yeah its ok. Panzer Tactician Change is good, but don't forget the AEC or the M20. Puma So that this doc is played you should leave the build time at 40s but reduce the Cp to 4. So that he doesn't come too late. Relief Infantry Ability is so ok you swap ammunition for manpower. Sector Artillery Nice to see. Stormtroopers Why not. Strategic Bombing Run Should there be no incendiary bombs, only HE but over a slightly larger radius. StuG E Nice to see. Stuka Incendiary Bombing Run Makes sense. Tiger Bring in Lines with the other heavy tanks. Tiger Ace Bring in Lines with the other heavy tanks Vehicle Crew Repair Looks good. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Commander Update Beta 2021 - British Feedback9 Apr 2021, 11:16 AM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad ![]() Advanced Emplacements I see this doctrine as a contradiction to an RTS like COH but it does exist and I am satisfied with the changes. Lend-Lease Active Damage Ability goes well with the doctrine along with my M10 proposed change. The M10 should be a rush tank, that means it has hardly any penetration at long range but high damage output. The M10 already has a good standard speed and the ability to do so. The damage should be around 240 (KT damage). However, since the penetration should be so small, it has to come to the side or very close in order to cause damage. So that the tank is not spammed in team games you have to increase the cost to 100 fuel and the popcap to 12 (Guideline). In addition, the tank should have 400 hit points (T70, go down with 3 shoots). Air Resupply Operation More flexebility more variations of playstyle.Nice. Assault Compared to the other ability (Radio Silence, Valiant Assault, For the Motherland), the buffs are good and the ability is not too expensive. Assault Section Yeah why not. Churchill Crocodile In line with all other heavys. Commandos The changes are acceptable. Concentrated Fire Operation slow but strong offmap that you have to react to Forward HQ Yeah why not. Hold the Line The changes are good and the cost should be okay too. Improved Fortifications Not too weak and not too strong. Land Mattress Nice too see a slightly mun cost reduce. M3 Resupply Halftrack Nice to see that it is no longer possible for teammates to get the weapons, the remaining changes are good. Raid Section The raid sections are strong but that comes at the price of not being able to spend a heal. In general, the doctrine is very offensive which is very good because the British are more defensive. This enables another way of playing. It is quite possible that you only build 2 engis plus vickers / carriers and then call 3 raid sections. With this you skip the 5 man upgrade and the weapon slots and can tech up what can be extremely powerful. But since you don't have a heal you either have to build a medic or a command post with and spend a heal there, which is a bit more balanced again. So that you don't cap off the whole map, I would take out the faster cap rate, since the Pios already have this. In addition, a moderate call in timer cooldown of 1 min. Recovery Sappers More flexebility more variations of playstyle.Nice. Tank Hunter Infantry Section That seems nice. Vanguard Loiter The changes are good and you should get something back if you invest in ammunition. Vickers K Light Machien Gun Strong Weapon but i think in good spoot. But the weapon should need 2 slots so that it is no longer possible to equip 2 Vickers K. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Commander Update Beta 2021 - USF Feedback9 Apr 2021, 10:20 AM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad ![]() Mechanized Company With the loss of the dozer blade upgrade, the doctrine loses its usefulness as compensation I would put the mortar halftrack together with the truck in a passive ability (nobody needs the half-track vehicle to come out or stay inside anyway). Fill the empty command slot with the Phosphor Barrage from the Rifle company. Since you mostly build Shermans and then try to rush because you don't have an offmap in the doc (truck has one but usually doesn't survive that long), paks are a thread, the offmap fit in the playstyle. Armor Company Together with the buff of the bulldozer, the docs should at least be played more often in team games. So that the value is increased and maybe the doc is playable in 1v1, I would suggest a change to the M10. The M10 should be a rush tank, that means it has hardly any penetration at long range but high damage output. The M10 already has a good standard speed and the ability to do so. The damage should be around 240 (KT damage). However, since the penetration should be so small, it has to come to the side or very close in order to cause damage. So that the tank is not spammed in team games you have to increase the cost to 100 fuel and the popcap to 12 (Guideline). In addition, the tank should have 400 hit points (T70, go down with 3 shoots).This also applies to the British M10. 240mm Barrage It looks very nice compared to the railroad artillery. Cavalry Riflemen Yeah why not. Combined Arms Compared to the other ability (Radio Silence, Valiant Assault, For the Motherland), the buffs are good and the ability is not too expensive. Fired Up Right direction (Sprint 1cp), reduce the cost to 10 mun and the duration to 5s, to bring the ability in line with sprint. Heavy Cavalry Company Smoke Barrage Yeah why not. IR Pathfinder Barrage Nice too see that change. M26 Pershing In most games you have a lot of ammunition available with the doctrine that you don't use. As one does not like to build a second echolon the Pershing should have self-repair (Okw stats). Otherwise the changes look good. M4A3 Sherman 105mm Dozer The changes are going in the right direction. But why not the same stats as the Brumbär? Bulldozer is bound to a Commander.You have to tech and build just like the Brumbär. M4A3 Sherman Calliope The change is good because you should be punished if you don't take care of the Calliope. However, the Calliope should be compared to the cost of the other rocket arty. M4A3 Sherman E8 The changes are going in the right direction. The Easy 8 should be something like the Comet. To the changes I would add a little higher armor because it is too lightly armored compared to the Comet and Phanter (+10). Rest look nice. M8 Greyhound Canister Shot Yeah why not. Mortar Half-Track WP Shells Looks good as the cost of all flame barriers has been reduced. P-47 Strafing Run Yeah why not. Pathfinders (All Variants) Bonus against sniper is a good change a good positioning should be rewarded. In team games you often see bloobs with 3 Pathfinders. Since they have a high visibility you can see Mgs and then you can put Arty on it. Mgs are no longer used as counters. You can hardly attack this bloob with your own inf, since the Pathfinder have a high damage output both in longer range and closer range. The snipe passive ability where every model can be snipped under 50% increases their fighting strength. You also have 2 weapon slots (bars). The damage should be reduced to close range (weaker in the early game) and a maximum of 2 squads should be available. The strategy should only allow Pathfinder to do this, but it reduces the bloob strength. Rangers There is no reason why you shouldn't upgrade the Rangers because Thompsen are very strong or the 3 elite bazookas. But the changes are fine as they can allow for a different style of play. Rear Echelon Rifle Grenades Good to see that these skills are no longer a auto ability. A UI icon for the Echolon Squad would be good that you can see which squad is upgraded. In addition, you should increase the strength a little bit, but also the cooldown. Reserve Armor The upgrade made the Sherman extremely strong in terms of survivability. What could be very annoying, especially in 1v1. The 76 Sherman is good as it is. Rifle Company Advanced Infantry Gear The change with the receive accurancy is good. However, as with the Sturmpio, the flamethrower and the Mieneswipper should be possible together. Rifle Company White Phosphorous Barrage Yeah why not. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance suggestion9 Apr 2021, 10:19 AM
yeah i know i want to post there ![]() In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance suggestion9 Apr 2021, 10:17 AM
I think it's important that it is the public what kind of player you are, i.e. team games or 1v1, whether you play a lot or not. Otherwise one would not recognize the writer's motives. To me, I haven't actively played 1v1 for a good 1 year. But follow the tournaments and often watch 1v1 games in spectator mode, I know the current metas. In my day I was top 100 with all factions. I still play team games with friends from time to time (4v4) so we're around the top 50. In addition, one should express my thanks to the people from the community who update, patch and balance the game. Since they are not paid for it and they sacrifice free time for it, one should not forget that. Hope my English is not too bad ![]() Mechanized Company With the loss of the dozer blade upgrade, the doctrine loses its usefulness as compensation I would put the mortar halftrack together with the truck in a passive ability (nobody needs the half-track vehicle to come out or stay inside anyway). Fill the empty command slot with the Phosphor Barrage from the Rifle company. Since you mostly build Shermans and then try to rush because you don't have an offmap in the doc (truck has one but usually doesn't survive that long), paks are a thread, the offmap fit in the playstyle. Armor Company Together with the buff of the bulldozer, the docs should at least be played more often in team games. So that the value is increased and maybe the doc is playable in 1v1, I would suggest a change to the M10. The M10 should be a rush tank, that means it has hardly any penetration at long range but high damage output. The M10 already has a good standard speed and the ability to do so. The damage should be around 240 (KT damage). However, since the penetration should be so small, it has to come to the side or very close in order to cause damage. So that the tank is not spammed in team games you have to increase the cost to 100 fuel and the popcap to 12 (Guideline). In addition, the tank should have 400 hit points (T70, go down with 3 shoots).This also applies to the British M10. 240mm Barrage It looks very nice compared to the railroad artillery. Cavalry Riflemen Yeah why not. Combined Arms Compared to the other ability (Radio Silence, Valiant Assault, For the Motherland), the buffs are good and the ability is not too expensive. Fired Up Right direction (Sprint 1cp), reduce the cost to 10 mun and the duration to 5s, to bring the ability in line with sprint. Heavy Cavalry Company Smoke Barrage Yeah why not. IR Pathfinder Barrage Nice too see that change. M26 Pershing In most games you have a lot of ammunition available with the doctrine that you don't use. As one does not like to build a second echolon the Pershing should have self-repair (Okw stats). Otherwise the changes look good. M4A3 Sherman 105mm Dozer The changes are going in the right direction. But why not the same stats as the Brumbär? Bulldozer is bound to a Commander.You have to tech and build just like the Brumbär. M4A3 Sherman Calliope The change is good because you should be punished if you don't take care of the Calliope. However, the Calliope should be compared to the cost of the other rocket arty. M4A3 Sherman E8 The changes are going in the right direction. The Easy 8 should be something like the Comet. To the changes I would add a little higher armor because it is too lightly armored compared to the Comet and Phanter (+10). Rest look nice. M8 Greyhound Canister Shot Yeah why not. Mortar Half-Track WP Shells Looks good as the cost of all flame barriers has been reduced. P-47 Strafing Run Yeah why not. Pathfinders (All Variants) Bonus against sniper is a good change a good positioning should be rewarded. In team games you often see bloobs with 3 Pathfinders. Since they have a high visibility you can see Mgs and then you can put Arty on it. Mgs are no longer used as counters. You can hardly attack this bloob with your own inf, since the Pathfinder have a high damage output both in longer range and closer range. The snipe passive ability where every model can be snipped under 50% increases their fighting strength. You also have 2 weapon slots (bars). The damage should be reduced to close range (weaker in the early game) and a maximum of 2 squads should be available. The strategy should only allow Pathfinder to do this, but it reduces the bloob strength. Rangers There is no reason why you shouldn't upgrade the Rangers because Thompsen are very strong or the 3 elite bazookas. But the changes are fine as they can allow for a different style of play. Rear Echelon Rifle Grenades Good to see that these skills are no longer a auto ability. A UI icon for the Echolon Squad would be good that you can see which squad is upgraded. In addition, you should increase the strength a little bit, but also the cooldown. Reserve Armor The upgrade made the Sherman extremely strong in terms of survivability. What could be very annoying, especially in 1v1. The 76 Sherman is good as it is. Rifle Company Advanced Infantry Gear The change with the receive accurancy is good. However, as with the Sturmpio, the flamethrower and the Mieneswipper should be possible together. Rifle Company White Phosphorous Barrage Yeah why not. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Cheat with doctrines17 Feb 2018, 18:06 PM
cheat with doctrines from us and brits as okw In: Replays |
Thread: Sturmtiger Bug28 Jan 2018, 19:46 PM
I found a bug with the sturmtiger but i cant find out the problem any help ? In: Replays |
Thread: 2v2 2kübel 40kills against average top 200 player29 Dec 2017, 15:03 PM
Kübel in live version are not bad!!!!!! In: Replays |
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- 7.359132.731+5
- 8.15675.675+1
- 9.350301.538+5
- 10.733399.648+1
- 1.395284.582+5
- 2.15251206.558+4
- 3.891742.546+9
- 4.1071842.560+16
- 5.402255.612+1
- 6.239125.657+1
- 7.17170.710+1
- 8.354232.604+7
- 9.781588.570+6
- 10.5428.659+2
- 1.43063.872+8
- 2.56480.876+3
- 3.800454.638-1
- 4.303163.650+3
- 5.313114.733+9
- 6.12744.743+1
- 7.194101.658-1
- 8.282161.637+1
- 9.371284.566-1
- 10.14059.704+7
- 1.285169.628+1
- 2.1701928.647+1
- 3.16661.731+2
- 4.18699.653+4
- 5.20311096.650+1
- 6.466231.669+1
- 7.6321.750-1
- 8.10734.759-1
- 9.10938.741+5
- 10.10733.764+1
- 1.794293.730+3
- 2.631186.772+1
- 3.1590778.671+2
- 4.19288.686+8
- 5.327127.720+15
- 6.10327.792+1
- 7.366159.697+3
- 8.1522762.666+6
- 9.463284.620+6
- 10.272167.620+8
- 1.971647.600+7
- 2.410188.686+7
- 3.613431.587+7
- 4.796631.558+1
- 5.262190.580+1
- 6.851644.569+4
- 7.689773.471-1
- 8.430302.587+6
- 9.13859.701+3
- 10.347226.606+6
Data provided by
Relic Entertainment

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cblanco ★
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Heartless Jäger

Einhoven Country

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uploaded by XXxxHeartlessxxXX
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